Search Results for shemot 30

Found 10 Results for shemot 30
Matthew 1:3

Matthew 1:3 And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar The genealogical account of Christ goes on from Judah in the line of Phares, with whom Zara is m...

Isaiah 27:10

Isaiah 27:10 Yet the defenced city [shall be] desolate Or but, or notwithstanding F2; though the Lord deals mercifully with his own people, and mixes ...

Revelation 16:21

Revelation 16:21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven Which must be understood not as after the fall of the cities, and the flight of th...

Acts 7:30

Acts 7:30 And when forty years were expired Forty other years the Arabic version reads; for so long the Jews F7 say Moses kept Jethro's flock, and so ...

Revelation 8:3

Revelation 8:3 And another angel came The Ethiopic version adds, from the east, as in ( Revelation 7:2 ) ; pointing to the same angel, and who is inte...

Matthew 25:41

Matthew 25:41 Then shall he also say unto them on his left hand The goats, the foolish virgins, and slothful and wicked servants, depart from me: a l...

2 Timothy 3:8

2 Timothy 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses These were not Jews, who rose up and opposed Moses, as Dathan and Abiram did, as some have tho...

John 3:16

John 3:16 For God so loved the world The Persic version reads men: but not every man in the world is here meant, or all the individuals of human natur...


\\INTRODUCTION TO 2 CHRONICLES 3 & 4\\ These two chapters give an account of the building of the temple, of the materials, parts, and form of it, an...

Malachi 4:2

Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name The few that were of this character among that wicked nation; (See Gill on Malachi 3:16): shall the Sun of ...