Search Results for vanity

Found 2080 Results for vanity
Ecclesiastes 1

Chapter 11:2? Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Vanity Vanity, in Ecclesiastes, and usually in Scripture, mea...

Vanity, Vanities

VANITY, VANITIES van'-i-ti, van'-i-tiz (hebhel, 'awen, shaw'; kenos; mataiotes): The words vain, vanity, vanities are frequent in the Bible. Their id...

Ecclesiastes 12:8

Ecclesiastes 12:8 Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher The wise man, or preacher, set out in the beginning of the book with this doctrine, or propos...

Ecclesiastes 6:4

Overview - Ecclesiastes 6 1?The vanity of riches without use; 3?though a man have many children and a long life. 7?The vanity of sight and wandering...

Ecclesiastes 12:8

Overview - Ecclesiastes 12 1?The Creator is to be remembered in due time. 8?The preacher's care to edify. 13?The fear of God is the chief antidote of...

Job 15:31

Job 15:31 Let not him that is deceived trust in vanity Every wicked man is deceived, either by Satan, who deceives the whole world, deceived our first...

Job 15:31

Overview - Job 15 1?Eliphaz reproves Job for impiety in justifying himself. 17?He proves by tradition the unquietness of wicked men. Treasury of Scrip...

Ecclesiastes 6:11

Overview - Ecclesiastes 6 1?The vanity of riches without use; 3?though a man have many children and a long life. 7?The vanity of sight and wandering...


Vanity [N] [T]In common parlance vanity and vain apply to conceited persons with exaggerated self-opinions. While the biblical usage includes this nua...

Ecclesiastes 4:7

Ecclesiastes 4:7 Then I returned, and I saw vanity under the sun.] Another vanity besides what he had taken notice of, and is as follows. Aben Ezra's ...

Ecclesiastes 4:7

Overview - Ecclesiastes 4 1?Vanity is increased unto men by oppression; 4?by envy; 5?by idleness; 7?by covetousness; 9?by solitariness; 13?by wilf...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 07723 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord OriginawXfrom the same as (07722) in the sense of desol...


The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 7723 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord OriginawXfrom the same as (07722) in the sense of desola...

Ecclesiastes 6:9

Overview - Ecclesiastes 6 1?The vanity of riches without use; 3?though a man have many children and a long life. 7?The vanity of sight and wandering...

Psalm 4:2

?EXPOSITIONVerse 2. In this second division of the Psalm, we are led from the closet of prayer into the field of conflict. Remark the undaunted courag...

Ecclesiastes 6:1

Overview - Ecclesiastes 6 1?The vanity of riches without use; 3?though a man have many children and a long life. 7?The vanity of sight and wandering...


The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 1892 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originlbhfrom (01891)Transliterated WordTDNT EntryHebelT...

Isaiah 41:29

Overview - Isaiah 41 1?God expostulates with his people, about his mercies to the church; 10?about his promises; 21?and about the vanity of idols. Tre...

Ecclesiastes 6:5

Overview - Ecclesiastes 6 1?The vanity of riches without use; 3?though a man have many children and a long life. 7?The vanity of sight and wandering...

Ecclesiastes 2:15

Overview - Ecclesiastes 2 1?The vanity of human courses in the works of pleasure. 12?Though the wise be better than the fool, yet both have one event....