Search Results for humble

Found 331 Results for humble
Zephaniah: A Brutal Warning and a Powerful Hope

Brad Simon

Zephaniah’s prophecy would play a pivotal role in the spiritual awakening that swept across the land. As the nation turned back to God in repentance, revival swept across the land. Hearts and minds we...

What Christians Mean When Calling God ‘Adonai’

Heather Adams

Throughout history, God has sought to build strong relationships with His people. Long before He sent His Son to earth, God began revealing Himself to mankind in other ways. One of the first was shari...

The Condition of Prayer Most People Overlook

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

It's a question that Christians have pondered over since the dawn of Christianity: how should we pray? The Bible is filled with incredible, powerful prayers. But depending on who you ask this question...

Where Does the Bible Say 'For Unto You Is Born this Day in the City of David a Savior Who Is Christ the Lord'?

Britt Mooney

How did the shepherds respond when angels told them, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord"?...

Where Do We See Jesus in the Old Testament Book of 1 Samuel?

Mike Leake

David is pointing to another. It will not be through King David that our high calling to rule will be restored. No, this will come through the finished work of King Jesus. 1 Samuel points to what ough...

6 Practical Ways We Can Strengthen the Church

Sheila Alewine

A quick internet search for “church planting” will result in a myriad of articles, from research on current statistics and advice from church planters to a whole host of organizations with extensive s...

7 Commands for Dealing with Church Conflict

Looking around at the state of Christianity in the world today with all of its various camps and divisions, it’s tempting to idealize the early church as a perfect time of peace and harmony. But then ...

5 Things You Won't Believe Are NOT in the Bible

Cindi McMenamin

Would you believe there are some secular sayings that sound so religious people often believe they came from the Bible?  These pieces of presumed Christian “wisdom” can sound bibl...

Why Do So Many Things Take “40 Days and 40 Nights” in the Bible?

Jessica Brodie

There are dozens of times the number 40 is mentioned throughout the Bible, as well. For instance, Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah (Genesis 25:20). The Israelites wandered 40 years in...

What Is the Bible's Definition of Lament?

Linda Lyle

What does the Bible's definition of lament teach us about wisely grieving today? ...

Why Does the Bible Elevate Gentleness?

Heather Adams

Looking at how our Heavenly Father is described throughout both the Old and New Testaments starts to give us a sense that this attribute is active, passionate and impactful to those who receive it....

7 Psalms to Reaffirm the Power of a Grateful Heart

Kirstyn Mayden

We talk a lot about being thankful and giving thanks this season, but why? Is it really that important to spend time practicing thankfulness? The Bible is filled with verses that give praise and thank...

3 Beautiful Prayers in the Bible to Encourage You

Meg Bucher

Biblical prayers have a common denominator of hope. Hope causes us to look upwards and fall down on our knees, holding onto the One who sits above all. Deuteronomy 33:12 says the beloved of the Lord...

4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth

Sheila Alewine

The story is primarily understood to describe the various effects of the gospel message of salvation that Jesus was teaching. But I believe there is additional wisdom to be gained by those of us who h...

6 Reminders for Facing Temptation Like Jesus

Micah Maddox

Jesus gives us the example to follow in the face of temptation through His own temptation in the wilderness. He had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and His flesh was weak. Mentally I cannot imagine t...

Did Moses Have Two Wives or Just One?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us have a slight familiarity with Zipporah, Moses' wife from Midian. But did he also marry a Cushite named Tharbis? ...

What Does "Hosanna in the Highest" Mean?

Pamela Palmer

Matthew 21:9-11 recounts Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, as the crowds shout "'Hosanna to the Son of David!’ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!'...

What Are Sins against the Holy Spirit?

Hope Bolinger

In Matthew 12:31, Jesus mentions "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit," saying that this sin will not be forgiven. That's a frightening statement! But what exactly is this sin against the Holy Spirit, a...