Search Results for numbers 27

Found 73 Results for numbers 27
Why Should Christians Know What Shema Means?

Britt Mooney

How does the Shema teach us to listen to God? ...

What Is the Feast of Pentecost in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

In the New Testament, events at the Feast of Pentecost mark a new era in the church. However, to fully understand what happened to the disciples that day in the upper room, we need to consider what th...

Why Should Christians "Be Not Afraid"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

We all know people, including ourselves, who were paralyzed in one way, shape, or form because they were afraid. As believers, how do we deal with this issue of fear? We have been given a different ma...

What Are Each of the 12 Tribes of Israel Known For?

Emma Danzey

The 12 tribes of Israel came from Jacob’s 12 sons. Each tribe was named after one of Jacob’s children or grandchildren. ...

Can Someone’s Name Be Erased from the Book of Life?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As Jesus’ saints, we persevere and we are assured God will complete in us what He began (Philippians 1:16). At the moment of true conversion, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. He is our guarantee....

Why Did God Appear So Many Times to Moses?

Dawn Wilson

God did not necessarily call, appear to, and communicate with Moses because of his innate skills or personality. The Scriptures remind us that God often chooses the foolish, weak, lowly, and despised ...

Were There Prophets in the New Testament?

Britt Mooney

While the Old Testament possesses several whole books by people we regard as prophets, what about during the early church? Were there prophets in the New Testament? ...

In the Midst of a Loneliness Epidemic, We Must Seek Christian Community

Ed Jarrett

As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are a part of the universal body of Christ. But we should also be gathering with other believers in a local community of faith – a place where we can serve God along...

Why Should We Know Who Kenan Is in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Kenan probably isn't someone you learned much about in Sunday School. So what can his surprising family history teach us today?...

How Can Christians Follow the Second Commandment Today?

Meghan Trapp

What does the second commandment say? How it should inform our everyday lives?...

Don't Waste Your Cancer

There are many other ways to waste your cancer. I am praying for myself and for you that we will not waste this pain....

Finding Encouragement for Our Journey in the Psalms of Ascent

Mike Leake

Along this journey from displaced to finally dwelling with God we find a group of fifteen psalms known as the Psalms of Ascent. These psalms (120-134) are all about getting back home—they are about dw...

Does the Bible Justify War?

Mike Leake

When we look at war within the Scripture, it is much different than the war we might see today. It’s not a “holy war;” that is not a phrase ever used in the Scriptures. But rather it is a war in which...

Does God Judge Some Sins More Than Others?

Denise Kohlmeyer

Many of us—myself included—have believed or been taught that God weighs every sin equally upon his divine scale of justice. It may surprise you, then, as it did me, that that is not the case at all....

Is the Perseverance of the Saints Biblical?

Jean Wilund

The doctrine of the perseverance of the saints affirms that God protects and preserves Christians—His saints (“holy ones”)—for eternity and causes their faith to persevere to the end....

10 Tips for Building Faithful Habits

Lisa Loraine Baker

Have you decided to begin or renew a particular Christian habit? Proverbs 4:7 tells us wisdom is the skillful application of knowledge. There is a moral component to it as well. Know who you are befor...

What Does It Really Look Like for God’s People to Dwell in Unity?

Lisa Loraine Baker

King David rejoiced at the realization of brothers dwelling together in unity. So too may we because our unity proclaims to the world we are Christ followers and are surrendered and bound to Him for H...

The Power of Choosing to Prioritize Your Health

Frank Santora

Poor choices can create a bondage to ill health that literally steals away years from the life God has promised. The good news is, even if we have made seriously wrong choices regarding our health in ...

Can You Believe in God But Not Believe in Jesus?

Sheila Alewine

"I'm spiritual but not religious." "I love God, but I don't really trust the Bible." "All that Jesus stuff happened so long ago, you know?" Can a person say these things and still be a Christian? What...

Commemorative Easter Sunday Prayers and Blessings to Celebrate He Is Risen!

Josie Siler

We celebrate in a big way and my heart is overwhelmed with joy. We can prepare our hearts for this special day with Easter Sunday prayers and blessings....