Search Results for praise the lord

Found 478 Results for praise the lord
What Is the One Needed Thing That Mary Chose and Martha Missed?

Meredith N Mills

When Jesus corrected Martha, he didn’t condemn her or say her service didn’t matter. Instead, he pointed to the turmoil in her soul. Her restless heart revealed a deeper issue — she was missing the po...

How Should We Celebrate the Birth of Christ?

There are plenty of decorations to buy and parties to attend during this season... but how should we really celebrate Christmas? The question is important because of the significance of the day and be...

What Is the Book of Amos All About?

Brad Simon

Chosen by God to deliver a powerful message to Israel, Amos is neither trained as a prophet nor the son of a prophet. A devout man with a heart full of faith, Amos embraced his role as a messenger of ...

8 Blessings to Pray over Your Kids

Micah Maddox

The world tells our children so many lies. While we try to prepare and protect our kids from the enemy of their souls, there is no better defense we can offer than to stand in the gap and pray. ...

20 Thanksgiving Hymns to Celebrate Gratitude

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Thanksgiving is not just a time for some great food and family time. It's also a time to remember our blessings and have fellowship with other believers. These Thanksgiving hymns remind us how to give...

How to Develop Your Prayer Life

Prayer is the growth of a soul as we come in contact with God. As the soul grows, the prayer life deepens....

Does Prayer Change Things?

Heather Adams

God certainly doesn’t need us to pray in order to accomplish His plans. He already has all the strength and might He needs. And yet He calls us to do it, as Paul wrote, “at all times.” That’s because ...

What Does the Bible Say about Predestination?

Rylie Fine

Depending on your church background, what the Bible says about predestination may have been a big discussion. Few would dispute that predestination is a biblical concept, the question is how it works....

12 Things You May Not Know about the Tribe of Judah

Bethany Verrett

Ultimately, the true significance of the tribe of Judah was not in the kings who reigned in Judah, or the many battles they won, but in the fulfillment of God’s divine plan to provide a Savior for the...

7 Intentional Scriptures to Pray Over Your Year

Kristi Woods

Would you consider yourself an intentional person? The Bible has much to say about believers living lives of intentionality and purpose to the glory of God. Unfortunately, it's easier than ever for th...

Solid Truths to Remember as You Process the Death of a Loved One

Michael Jakes

How do we deal with the death of a loved one? In spite of death’s inevitability, you would think we would be prepared for it; but this is not always the case. The loss of a loved one can be a harrowin...

10 Prayers for Grief and the Heart Heavy with Loss

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Words can be hard to find when you're drowning in the sorrow and pain of loss. Borrow these prayers for grief and begin your own honest conversation with God....

Goodness to All

Stephen Davey

Loving our enemies is not an easy task, but it is what God did for us....

What Should We Know about the Number 12 in the Bible?

Andy Lee

Have you wondered if numbers repeated in the Bible, like the number 12, have special meaning? ...

Yes, You Have a Powerful Testimony to Share with Others

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

A testimony is a personal account of what God has done in your life. It will include your experiences or transformations. When done properly, your testimony should leave people in awe of who God is.&n...

Where Does the Bible Say 'Today if You Hear His Voice'?

Britt Mooney

The voice of God is precious, but what does the Bible verse “Today if you hear his voice . . .” tell us about its preciousness?...

Since God Saved Us, Do We Owe Him the Rest of Our Lives?

Kristi Walker

Is it true? Did He pay the full price for my sin, and yet I still “owe” Him my life? If it is truly finished, if God is satisfied, if I am justified, why must I live a life as a “living sacrifice?”...

7 Ways to Respond as a Christian to the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Aaron D'Anthony Brown

Now, we’re left with a question. After today’s ruling, has our fight for the sake of the unborn finally concluded?...

What Is the Horn of Salvation in the Bible?

Lianna Davis

When the Bible mentions God's horn of salvation, it means that He is not just our provider, but our defender. So what does this symbol tell us about God defending us?...

How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus called the Spirit the Comforter, and sometimes the Holy Ghost. It is the presence of the Spirit that sanctifies and convicts Christians after they are saved. It is the Spirit who works in the li...