Search Results for war

Found 235 Results for war
When Should Christians Support Going to War?

Scott Slayton

Each time the threat of war comes about, Christians find themselves pondering over the questions of if we should support war and if so, when should we support it?...

Does the Bible Justify War?

Mike Leake

When we look at war within the Scripture, it is much different than the war we might see today. It’s not a “holy war;” that is not a phrase ever used in the Scriptures. But rather it is a war in which...

Why Is There a War in Heaven in Revelation?

Valerie Fentress

Talk to most people about Revelation, and you'll get weird looks. Brian Hedges put it best: “Revelation is notoriously difficult to understand – so weird, in fact, that most of us jus...

Why Christians Should Be Concerned about Israel

Sue Schlesman

It’s been less than a week since the Palestinian militant group launched a highly coordinated attack on Israel from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Our social media feeds are blowing up with posts ab...

Yearning for Peace: The Human Heart and Memorial Day

One day, as the prophet Isaiah wrote, men will "beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, [and] neither shall they learn wa...

Was the American Revolution Sinful?

Bethany Verrett

One of the great mysteries of this life that will be answered in eternity is how the delicate balance between God’s sovereign will and man’s free will act in balance toward the end of all things. The ...

A Powerful Prayer for Ukraine

Jason Soroski

We ask that the people of Ukraine may be safe, secure, and that they would know not only peace of earth but your true and unwavering peace....

What Does God's Unfailing Love Look Like for a Broken World?

Ruth Clemence

Our world is filled with brokenness. Relationships breaking down, failing systems of government, violence and war, sickness and disease and so much more are indicators that things in this world are no...

5 Prayers for Veterans Day to Honor and Encourage

Sarah Frazer

Prayer is a way to say thank you and let veterans know we have not forgotten them. As we pray for our veterans, may these prayers help you put into words what's on your heart. ...

How the Armor of God Is Meant for Crises Like Coronavirus

Dawn Wilson

When times of crisis come, such as the pandemic of the coronavirus, Christians need a strategy for coping not only physically, but also spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We might think the physi...

Following Joshua

The book of Joshua has much to teach us and much with which to inspire the church today as we, too, follow where God would have us go....

How Are “Wars and Rumors of Wars” Tied to the End Times?

Bethany Verrett

When examined in context, it is clear that wars and rumors of wars will increase as the return of Jesus approaches, but no one war is necessarily the herald of the end of days, since only the Father k...

What Is Shalom's Meaning in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Peace is a running theme throughout the whole of scripture, usually using the Hebrew word shalom. Scripture, however, doesn’t throw the word around as a nice gesture. It has a deep meaning which could...

6 Keys to Responding when Someone Sins against Us

Sometimes we Christians seem as bad at handling others' failures as we are at overcoming our own. No doubt these two things are related. Scripture gives several principles which should govern our resp...

The Odd Couple: Psalms 1 and 2

Psalms 1 and 2 are as different as night and day, but can be studied as one unit using a method scholars call the canonical approach....

How Do You Take Your Thoughts Captive, like the Bible Commands?

Matt Tommey

Without a clear understanding of why we take every thought captive and the power that it gives us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, well-meaning, devoted Christians will be left fr...

10 Things You Never Knew about Oswald Chambers

Paul Kent

[Editor's Note: Paul Kent is a writer and editor in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His book Oswald Chambers: A Life in Pictures (Discovery House) released in November for the one hundredth anniversary o...

The Gospel in Joshua

The spotlight is not on Joshua’s moral example or on timeless principles of conduct but on Yahweh’s fulfillment of a historical promise. Even Joshua’s name (“Yahweh Saves!”) points away from himself t...

Should We Ever Be Arguing Scripture?

Bethany Verrett

One of the ways that God preserved His Word for the generations and the multitudes is through the preservation of His Spirit-inspired writings. He maintained the Creation story, prophecy, poetry, and ...