Mateus 13:29

29 Ele, porém, disse: Não; para que, ao colher o joio, não arranqueis com ele também o trigo.

Mateus 13:29 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 13:29

But he said, nay
The answer is in the negative; and which, if spoken to angels, is to be understood, that they should not inflict punishments, or pour out, their vials, as yet, on formal professors, lest the righteous should share in them; and if to magistrates, the sense of it is, that they should not persecute with the sword, or put men to death for heretical opinions; but if to ministers of the word, which sense I choose, the meaning is, that not everyone suspected to be a tare, or a nominal professor, is to be removed from the communion of the church, because there is often danger in so doing:

lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with
not that men of openly scandalous lives are to be tolerated in churches; they are to be withdrawn from, and put away; nor men of known, avowed, heretical principles; such, after the first and second admonition, are to be rejected: yet there may be such in churches, not altogether agreeable in principle and practice, whose character and situation may be such, that there is no removing them without offending some truly gracious, useful persons, in whose affections they stand, who may be tempted, by such a step, to leave their communion; and so cannot be done without a considerable prejudice to the church. The scope of the parable, and the design of our Lord in it, are chiefly to be attended to; which are to show, that a pure and perfect church cannot be expected in the present state of things; and that saints should not be immoderately uneasy, but patiently bear such exercises, until Christ's time is come to relieve them, when the tares and chaff shall be separated from the wheat; when sinners shall not stand in the congregation of the righteous, and there shall be no more a pricking briar, nor a grieving thorn in the house of Israel.

Mateus 13:29 In-Context

27 Chegaram, pois, os servos do proprietário, e disseram-lhe: Senhor, não semeaste no teu campo boa semente? Donde, pois, vem o joio?
28 Respondeu-lhes: Algum inimigo é quem fez isso. E os servos lhe disseram: Queres, pois, que vamos arrancá-lo?
29 Ele, porém, disse: Não; para que, ao colher o joio, não arranqueis com ele também o trigo.
30 Deixai crescer ambos juntos até a ceifa; e, por ocasião da ceifa, direi aos ceifeiros: Ajuntai primeiro o joio, e atai-o em molhos para o queimar; o trigo, porém, recolhei-o no meu celeiro.
31 Propôs-lhes outra parábola, dizendo: O reino dos céus é semelhante a um grão de mostarda que um homem tomou, e semeou no seu campo;
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