Esther - Lesson Three - Day 6

Harvest Ministries
Esther - Lesson Three - Day 6

Day Six: Living in Such a Time as This

1. Wow, what a chapter this has been!  Derek Prime records four conclusions we can reach about what we learned this week.[xv]   As you read these, ponder them for a few minutes, and record how they fit into the current experiences you face.  Share your thoughts with your group as well:


(1)  There is nothing new under the sun in the types of methods Satan uses against God’s children

(2)  There is always a spiritual battle going on in this world

(3)  These things should stimulate us to pray more regularly and effectively

(4)  These things challenge us as to how we live in an unbelieving world


2. Interestingly, as we look at Haman’s hatred as well as Mordecai’s coworkers’ pressuring him to do wrong, we need to understand that there is always going to be someone who resents our commitment to God,[xvi] and will be an adversary to us.  Put yourself into Mordecai’s sandals in this situation, and think back in your own life to times you have been tempted to compromise your beliefs for some reason.  Were you able to stand, or did you crumble?  What are some things you learned through the times of your life that you have compromised or stood strong against the pressure to give in?  Think about this: what if your decision to compromise or not meant saving your life or that of your family and friends?  What are some ideas you can think of as to how you can better live a life without compromise?  Please record some thoughts here about these things and how you should be living in these days, and discuss these with your group.


3. If there was anything else in particular that spoke to your heart this week as you studied this chapter, please record it here to share with your group so everyone can be encouraged by it.

Scripture Memory:  Hopefully you now can write out this week’s passage completely by memory.  Do so now, and keep on reviewing it so you will be ready to share it with others in your group time.

Esther 3:2b

[i] Spiros Zodhiates, ed., The Complete Word Study Old Testament (Chattanooga:  AMG Publishers, 1994), p. 1294.

[ii] Ibid, pp. 2327, 2372.

[iii] Herbert Lockyer, All the Men of the Bible (Grand Rapids:  Zondervan Publishing House, 1958), p. 135.

[iv] Joyce G. Baldwin, Esther (Downer’s Grove:  InterVarsity Press, 1984), p. 72.

[v] Spiros Zodhiates, ed., The Complete Word Study Old Testament, pp. 2316, 2332.

[vi] Derek Prime, Unspoken Lessons about the Unseen God (Darlington, England:  Evangelical Press, 2001), p. 63.

[vii] Warren Baker and Eugene Carpenter, eds., The Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament (Chattanooga:  AMG Publishers, 2003), pp. 1110, 1177.

[viii] Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Committed (Colorado Springs:  Chariot Victor Publishing, 1993), p. 102.

[ix] Per, silver was worth $8.01 per ounce on 12/4/04.

[x] Charles R. Swindoll, Esther, a Woman of Strength and Dignity (Nashville:  Word Publishing, 1997), p. 66.

[xi] Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Committed, p. 102.

[xii] Warren Baker and Eugene Carpenter, eds., The Complete Word Study Dictionary Old Testament, pp. 970, 971.

[xiii] Spiros Zodhiates, ed., pp. 2296, 2312, 2375.

[xiv] Warren Baker and Eugene Carpenter, eds., p. 123.

[xv] Derek Prime, Unspoken Lessons about the Unseen God, pp. 69, 70.[xvi]Charles R. Swindoll, Esther, a Woman of Strength and Dignity, p.  70.

© 2005 by Harvest Christian Fellowship. All rights reserved. Written by Thomas Klock for Men’s Bible Fellowship, 2004-2005.