1 Timothy 1:4

To give heed (prosecein). With noun understood. Old and common idiom in N.T. especially in Luke and Acts ( Acts 8:10 ). Not in Paul's earlier Epistles. 1 Timothy 3:8 ; 1 Timothy 4:1 1 Timothy 4:13 ; Titus 1:14 . To fables (muqoi). Dative case of old word for speech, narrative, story, fiction, falsehood. In N.T. only 2 Peter 1:16 ; 1 Timothy 1:4 ; 1 Timothy 4:7 ; Titus 1:14 ; 2 Timothy 4:4 . Genealogies (genealogiai). Dative of old word, in LXX, in N.T. only here and Titus 3:9 . Endless (aperantoi). Old verbal compound (from a privative and perainw, to go through), in LXX, only here in N.T. Excellent examples there for old words used only in the Pastorals because of the subject matter, describing the Gnostic emphasis on aeons. Questionings (ekzhthsei). "Seekings out." Late and rare compound from ekzhtew (itself Koin word, Romans 3:11 from LXX and in papyri). Here only in N.T. Simplex zhthsi in Acts 15:2 ; 1 Timothy 6:4 ; Titus 3:9 ; 2 Timothy 2:23 . A dispensation (oikonomian). Pauline word ( 1 Corinthians 9:17 ; Colossians 1:25 ; Ephesians 1:9 ; Ephesians 3:9 ; 1 Timothy 1:4 ), Luke 16:2-4 only other N.T. examples. In faith (en pistei). Pauline use of pisti.