Proverbi 19

1 Il povero, che cammina nella sua integrità, Val meglio che il perverso di labbra, il quale è stolto.
2 Come chi è frettoloso di piedi incappa; Così non vi è alcun bene, quando l’anima è senza conoscimento.
3 La stoltizia dell’uomo perverte la via di esso; E pure il suo cuore dispetta contro al Signore.
4 Le ricchezze aggiungono amici in gran numero; Ma il misero è separato dal suo intimo amico.
5 Il falso testimonio non resterà impunito, E chi sbocca menzogne non iscamperà.
6 Molti riveriscono il principe; Ma ognuno è amico del donatore.
7 Tutti i fratelli del povero l’odiano; Quanto più si dilungheranno i suoi amici da lui! Egli con parole li supplica, ma essi se ne vanno.
8 Chi acquista senno ama l’anima sua; Chi osserva l’intendimento troverà del bene.
9 Il falso testimonio non resterà impunito, E chi sbocca menzogne perirà.
10 I diletti non si convengono allo stolto; Quanto meno conviensi al servo signoreggiar sopra i principi!
11 Il senno dell’uomo rallenta l’ira di esso; E la sua gloria è di passar sopra le offese.
12 L’indegnazione del re è come il ruggito del leoncello; Ma il suo favore è come la rugiada sopra l’erba.
13 Il figliuolo stolto è una grande sciagura a suo padre; E le risse della moglie sono un gocciolar continuo.
14 Casa e sostanza sono l’eredità de’ padri; Ma dal Signore viene la moglie prudente.
15 La pigrizia fa cadere in profondo sonno; E la persona negligente avrà fame.
16 Chi osserva il comandamento guarda l’anima sua; Ma chi trascura le sue vie morrà.
17 Chi dona al povero presta al Signore; Ed egli gli farà la sua retribuzione.
18 Gastiga il tuo figliuolo, mentre vi è ancora della speranza; Ma non imprender già di ucciderlo.
19 Chi è grandemente iracondo ne porterà la pena; Che se tu lo scampi, tu lo renderai vie più iracondo.
20 Ascolta consiglio, e ricevi correzione, Acciocchè tu diventi savio alla fine.
21 Vi sono molti pensieri nel cuor dell’uomo; Ma il consiglio del Signore è quello che sarà stabile.
22 La benignità dell’uomo è il suo ornamento; E meglio vale il povero, che l’uomo bugiardo.
23 Il timor del Signore è a vita; E chi lo teme passerà la notte sazio, e non sarà visitato da alcun male.
24 Il pigro nasconde la mano nel seno, E non la ritrae fuori, non pure per recarsela alla bocca.
25 Percuoti lo schernitore, e il semplice ne diventerà avveduto; E se tu correggi l’uomo intendente, egli intenderà la scienza.
26 Il figliuolo che fa vergogna e vituperio, Ruina il padre, e scaccia la madre.
27 Figliuol mio, ascoltando l’ammaestramento, Rimanti di deviare da’ detti di scienza.
28 Il testimonio scellerato schernisce la dirittura; E la bocca degli empi trangugia l’iniquità.
29 I giudicii sono apparecchiati agli schernitori, E le percosse al dosso degli stolti.

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Proverbi 19 Commentary

Chapter 19

Verse 1 A poor man who fears God, is more honourable and happy, than a man without wisdom and grace, however rich or advanced in rank. Verse 2 . What good can the soul do, if without knowledge? And he sins who will not take time to ponder the path of his feet. Verse 3 . Men run into troubles by their own folly, and then fret at the appointments of God. Verse 4 . Here we may see how strong is men's love of money. Verse 5 . Those that tell lies in discourse, are in a fair way to be guilty of bearing false-witness. Verse 6 . We are without excuse if we do not love God with all our hearts. His gifts to us are past number, and all the gifts of men to us are fruits of his bounty. Verse 7 . Christ was left by all his disciples; but the Father was with him. It encourages our faith that he had so large an experience of the sorrows of poverty. Verse 8 . Those only love their souls aright that get true wisdom. Verse 9 . Lying is a damning, destroying sin. Verse 10 . A man that has not wisdom and grace, has no right or title to true joy. It is very unseemly for one who is a servant to sin, to oppress God's free-men. Verse 11 . He attains the most true glory who endeavours most steadily to overcome evil with good. Verse 12 . Christ is a King, whose wrath against his enemies will be as the roaring of a lion, and his favour to his people as the refreshing dew. Verse 13 . It shows the vanity of the world, that we are liable to the greatest griefs where we promise ourselves the greatest comfort. Verse 14 . A discreet and virtuous wife is more valuable than house and riches. Verse 15 . A sluggish, slothful disposition makes men poor; it brings them to want. And this applies both to the present life and that which is to come. Verse 16 . If we keep God's word, God's word will keep us from every thing really hurtful. We abuse the doctrine of free grace, if we think that it does away the necessity and advantage of obedience. Those that live at random must die. This truth is clearly taught in words enough to alarm the stoutest sinner. Verse 17 . God has chosen the poor of this world, to be rich in faith, and heirs of his kingdom. Verse 18 . When parents keep under foolish tenderness, they do their best to render children a comfort to them, and happy in themselves. Verse 19 . The spared and spoiled child is likely to become a man of great wrath. Verse 20 . Those that would be wise in their latter end, must be taught and ruled when young. Verse 21 . What should we desire, but that all our purposes may agree with God's holy will? Verse 22 . It is far better to have a heart to do good, and want ability for it, than to have ability for it, and want a heart to it. Verse 23 . Those that live in the fear of God, shall get safety, satisfaction, and true and complete happiness. Verse 24 . Indolence, when indulged, so grows upon people, that they have no heart to do the most needful things for themselves. Verse 25 . A gentle rebuke goes farthest with a man of understanding. Verse 26 . The young man who wastes his father's substance, or makes his aged mother destitute, is hateful, and will come to disgrace. Verse 27 . It is the wisdom of young men to dread hearing such talk as puts loose and evil principles into the mind. Verse 28 . Those are the worst of sinners, who are glad of an opportunity to sin. Verse 29 . The unbelief of man shall not make God's threatenings of no effect. Christ himself, when bearing sins not his own, was not spared. Justice and judgment took hold of our blessed Surety; and will God spare obstinate sinners?

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of the introduction of the ark into the temple, 1Ki 8:1-9 of the glory of the Lord filling it, 1Ki 8:10,11 of a speech Solomon made to the people concerning the building of the temple, and how he came to be engaged in it, 1Ki 8:12-21, of a prayer of his he put up on this occasion, requesting, that what supplications soever were made at any time, or on any account, by Israelites or strangers, might be accepted by the Lord, 1Ki 8:22-53, and of his blessing the people of Israel at the close of it, with some useful exhortations, 1Ki 8:54-61, and of the great number of sacrifices offered up by him, and the feast he made for the people, upon which he dismissed them, 1Ki 8:62-66.

Proverbi 19 Commentaries

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.