Jacques 5

1 A vous maintenant, riches! Pleurez et gémissez, à cause des malheurs qui viendront sur vous.
2 Vos richesses sont pourries, et vos vêtements sont rongés par les teignes.
3 Votre or et votre argent sont rouillés; et leur rouille s'élèvera en témoignage contre vous, et dévorera vos chairs comme un feu. Vous avez amassé des trésors dans les derniers jours!
4 Voici, le salaire des ouvriers qui ont moissonné vos champs, et dont vous les avez frustrés, crie, et les cris des moissonneurs sont parvenus jusqu'aux oreilles du Seigneur des armées.
5 Vous avez vécu sur la terre dans les voluptés et dans les délices, vous avez rassasié vos coeurs au jour du carnage.
6 Vous avez condamné, vous avez tué le juste, qui ne vous a pas résisté.
7 Soyez donc patients, frères jusqu'à l'avènement du Seigneur. Voici, le laboureur attend le précieux fruit de la terre, prenant patience à son égard, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait reçu les pluies de la première et de l'arrière-saison.
8 Vous aussi, soyez patients, affermissez vos coeurs, car l'avènement du Seigneur est proche.
9 Ne vous plaignez pas les uns des autres, frères, afin que vous ne soyez pas jugés: voici, le juge est à la porte.
10 Prenez, mes frères, pour modèles de souffrance et de patience les prophètes qui ont parlé au nom du Seigneur.
11 Voici, nous disons bienheureux ceux qui ont souffert patiemment. Vous avez entendu parler de la patience de Job, et vous avez vu la fin que le Seigneur lui accorda, car le Seigneur est plein de miséricorde et de compassion.
12 Avant toutes choses, mes frères, ne jurez ni par le ciel, ni par la terre, ni par aucun autre serment. Mais que votre oui soit oui, et que votre non soit non, afin que vous ne tombiez pas sous le jugement.
13 Quelqu'un parmi vous est-il dans la souffrance? Qu'il prie. Quelqu'un est-il dans la joie? Qu'il chante des cantiques.
14 Quelqu'un parmi vous est-il malade? Qu'il appelle les anciens de l'Eglise, et que les anciens prient pour lui, en l'oignant d'huile au nom du Seigneur;
15 la prière de la foi sauvera le malade, et le Seigneur le relèvera; et s'il a commis des péchés, il lui sera pardonné.
16 Confessez donc vos péchés les uns aux autres, et priez les uns pour les autres, afin que vous soyez guéris. La prière fervente du juste a une grande efficace.
17 Elie était un homme de la même nature que nous: il pria avec instance pour qu'il ne plût point, et il ne tomba point de pluie sur la terre pendant trois ans et six mois.
18 Puis il pria de nouveau, et le ciel donna de la pluie, et la terre produisit son fruit.
19 Mes frères, si quelqu'un parmi vous s'est égaré loin de la vérité, et qu'un autre l'y ramène,
20 qu'il sache que celui qui ramènera un pécheur de la voie où il s'était égaré sauvera une âme de la mort et couvrira une multitude de péchés.

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Jacques 5 Commentary

Chapter 5

The judgments of God denounced against rich unbelievers. (1-6) Exhortation to patience and meekness under tribulations. (7-11) Cautions against rash swearing Prayer recommended in afflictive and prosperous circumstances, Christians to confess their faults to each other. (12-18) The happiness of being the means of the conversion of a sinner. (19,20)

Verses 1-6 Public troubles are most grievous to those who live in pleasure, and are secure and sensual, though all ranks suffer deeply at such times. All idolized treasures will soon perish, except as they will rise up in judgment against their possessors. Take heed of defrauding and oppressing; and avoid the very appearance of it. God does not forbid us to use lawful pleasures; but to live in pleasure, especially sinful pleasure, is a provoking sin. Is it no harm for people to unfit themselves for minding the concerns of their souls, by indulging bodily appetites? The just may be condemned and killed; but when such suffer by oppressors, this is marked by God. Above all their other crimes, the Jews had condemned and crucified that Just One who had come among them, even Jesus Christ the righteous.

Verses 7-11 Consider him that waits for a crop of corn; and will not you wait for a crown of glory? If you should be called to wait longer than the husbandman, is not there something more worth waiting for? In every sense the coming of the Lord drew nigh, and all his people's losses, hardships, and sufferings, would be repaid. Men count time long, because they measure it by their own lives; but all time is as nothing to God; it is as a moment. To short-lived creatures a few years seem an age; but Scripture, measuring all things by the existence of God, reckons thousands of years but so many days. God brought about things in Job's case, so as plainly to prove that he is very pitiful and of tender mercy. This did not appear during his troubles, but was seen in the event, and believers now will find a happy end to their trials. Let us serve our God, and bear our trials, as those who believe that the end will crown all. Our eternal happiness is safe if we trust to him: all else is mere vanity, which soon will be done with for ever.

Verses 12-18 The sin of swearing is condemned; but how many make light of common profane swearing! Such swearing expressly throws contempt upon God's name and authority. This sin brings neither gain, nor pleasure, nor reputation, but is showing enmity to God without occasion and without advantage It shows a man to be an enemy to God, however he pretends to call himself by his name, or sometimes joins in acts of worship. But the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. In a day of affliction nothing is more seasonable than prayer. The spirit is then most humble, and the heart is broken and tender. It is necessary to exercise faith and hope under afflictions; and prayer is the appointed means for obtaining and increasing these graces. Observe, that the saving of the sick is not ascribed to the anointing with oil, but to prayer. In a time of sickness it is not cold and formal prayer that is effectual, but the prayer of faith. The great thing we should beg of God for ourselves and others in the time of sickness is, the pardon of sin. Let nothing be done to encourage any to delay, under the mistaken fancy that a confession, a prayer, a minister's absolution and exhortation, or the sacrament, will set all right at last, where the duties of a godly life have been disregarded. To acknowledge our faults to each other, will tend greatly to peace and brotherly love. And when a righteous person, a true believer, justified in Christ, and by his grace walking before God in holy obedience, presents an effectual fervent prayer, wrought in his heart by the power of the Holy Spirit, raising holy affections and believing expectations and so leading earnestly to plead the promises of God at his mercy-seat, it avails much. The power of prayer is proved from the history of Elijah. In prayer we must not look to the merit of man, but to the grace of God. It is not enough to say a prayer, but we must pray in prayer. Thoughts must be fixed, desires must be firm and ardent, and graces exercised. This instance of the power of prayer, encourages every Christian to be earnest in prayer. God never says to any of the seed of Jacob, Seek my face in vain. Where there may not be so much of miracle in God's answering our prayers, yet there may be as much of grace.

Verses 19-20 It is no mark of a wise or holy man, to boast of being free from error, or to refuse to acknowledge an error. And there is some doctrinal mistake at the bottom of every practical mistake. There is no one habitually bad, but upon some bad principle. This is conversion; to turn a sinner from the error of his ways, not merely from one party to another, or from one notion and way of thinking to another. There is no way effectually and finally to hide sin, but forsaking it. Many sins are hindered in the party converted; many also may be so in others whom he may influence. The salvation of one soul is of infinitely greater importance than preserving the lives of multitudes, or promoting the welfare of a whole people. Let us in our several stations keep these things in mind, sparing no pains in God's service, and the event will prove that our labour is not in vain in the Lord. For six thousand years He has been multiplying pardons, and yet his free grace is not tired nor grown weary. Certainly Divine mercy is an ocean that is ever full and ever flowing. May the Lord give us a part in this abundant mercy, through the blood of Christ, and the sanctification of the Spirit.

Chapter Summary


In this chapter the apostle reproves the vices of rich men, and denounces the judgments of God upon them; exhorts the saints to patience under sufferings; warns them from vain and profane swearing, and presses to various duties and branches of religious worship, private and public, and to the performance of several good offices of love to one another. He represents the miseries of wicked rich men as just at hand, Jas 5:1 because they made no use of their riches, either for themselves, or others, and because of the trust they put in them, heaping them up against a time to come, Jas 5:2,3, and because of their injustice in detaining the hire of labourers from them, Jas 5:4 and because of their wantonness and luxury, Jas 5:5 and because of their cruelty to the innocent, Jas 5:6 and such who suffer at their hands are exhorted to exercise patience, from the instance of the husbandman waiting patiently for the fruit of the earth, and the rain to produce it; and from the consideration of the coming of Christ, the Judge, being near at hand, Jas 5:7-9 and from the example of the prophets of the Lord, who suffered much, and were patient, and so happy; and particularly from the instance of Job, his patience, the end of the Lord in his afflictions, and his pity and compassion towards him, Jas 5:10,11. But of all things the apostle entreats them, that they would take care of profane swearing, and all vain oaths, since these bring into condemnation, Jas 5:12 and from hence he passes to various exercises of religion; the afflicted he advises to prayer; and those in comfortable circumstances of body and mind to singing of psalms, Jas 5:13, and such that are sick, to send for the elders of the church to pray over them, and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord, whereby not only the sick man would be delivered from his sickness, the Lord raising him up, but even his sins would be declared to be forgiven, Jas 5:14,15. And not only it became the elders to pray for sick persons, but also the saints in general, one for another, and to acknowledge their faults to each other, since the fervent prayer of every righteous man is of great avail with God, Jas 5:16 of which an instance is given in Elias, whose prayer, though a man subject to like passions as other men, against, and for rain, was very successful, Jas 5:17,18. And Christians should not only be concerned for the health of each other's bodies, but also for the good of their souls; wherefore, whenever it is observed that any are straying from the path of truth, methods should be taken to restore them, and turn them from the error of their ways; and whoever is the happy instrument of such a restoration is the means of saving a soul from death, and hiding a multitude of sins, Jas 5:19,20.

Jacques 5 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.