1 Chronik 12:38-40

38 Alle diese Kriegsleute, die das Heer ordneten, kamen von ganzem Herzen gen Hebron, David zum König zu machen über ganz Israel. Auch war alles andere Israel eines Herzens, daß man David zum König machte.
39 Und sie waren daselbst bei David drei Tage, aßen und tranken; denn ihre Brüder hatten für sie zubereitet.
40 Auch welche die nächsten um sie waren, bis hin an Isaschar, Sebulon und Naphthali, die brachten Brot auf Eseln, Kamelen, Maultieren und Rindern, Speise von Mehl, Kuchen von Feigen und Rosinen, Wein, Öl, Rinder, Schafe die Menge; denn es war Freude in Israel.

1 Chronik 12:38-40 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter gives an account of those that came to David at different times, and joined and assisted him both before the death of Saul, and when persecuted by him, and after he was made king of Judah in Hebron, and before he was king of all Israel, in order to it; of the Benjaminites that came to him when at Ziklag, 1Ch 12:1-7 of the Gadites that came to him when in the hold, 1Ch 12:8-15 of some of Judah and Benjamin, who came to him in the same place, 1Ch 12:16-18, and of the Manassites at the time he came with the Philistines against Saul, 1Ch 12:19-22 and the number of the several tribes are given, that came to him at Hebron to make him king over all Israel, 1Ch 12:23-40.

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