Job 16:7-17

7 "But now He has 1exhausted me; You have laid 2waste all my company.
8 "You have shriveled me up, 3It has become a witness; And my 4leanness rises up against me, It testifies to my face.
9 "His anger has 5torn me and hunted me down, He has 6gnashed at me with His teeth; My 7adversary glares * at me.
10 "They have 8gaped at me with their mouth, They have 9slapped me on the cheek with contempt; They have 10massed themselves against me.
11 "God hands me over to ruffians And tosses me into the hands of the wicked.
12 "I was at ease, but 11He shattered me, And He has grasped me by the neck and shaken me to pieces; He has also set me up as His 12target.
13 "His 13arrows surround me. Without mercy He splits my kidneys open; He pours out 14my gall on the ground.
14 "He 15breaks through me with breach after * breach; He 16runs at me like a warrior.
15 "I have sewed 17sackcloth over my skin And 18thrust my horn in the dust.
16 "My face is flushed from 19weeping, 20And deep darkness is on my eyelids,
17 Although there is no 21violence in my hands, And 22my prayer is pure.

Job 16:7-17 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter and the following contain Job's reply to the preceding discourse of Eliphaz, in which he complains of the conversation of his friends, as unprofitable, uncomfortable, vain, empty, and without any foundation, Job 16:1-3; and intimates that were they in his case and circumstances, tie should behave in another manner towards them, not mock at them, but comfort them, Job 16:4,5; though such was his unhappy case, that, whether he spoke or was silent, it was much the same; there was no alloy to his grief, Job 16:6; wherefore he turns himself to God, and speaks to him, and of what he had done to him, both to his family, and to himself; which things, as they proved the reality of his afflictions, were used by his friends as witnesses against him, Job 16:7,8; and then enters upon a detail of his troubles, both at the hands of God and man, in order to move the divine compassion, and the pity of his friends, Job 16:9-14; which occasioned him great sorrow and distress, Job 16:15,16; yet asserts his own innocence, and appeals to God for the truth of it, Job 16:17-19; and applies to him, and wishes his cause was pleaded with him, Job 16:20,21; and concludes with the sense he had of the shortness of his life, Job 16:22; which sentiment is enlarged upon in the following chapter.

Cross References 22

Footnotes 3

New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, California.  All rights reserved.