Proverbes 15

1 Une réponse douce apaise la fureur; mais la parole dure excite la colère.
2 La langue des sages embellit la science; mais la bouche des insensés ne prononce que folie.
3 Les yeux de l'Éternel sont en tous lieux; ils contemplent les méchants et les bons.
4 Une langue qui corrige est comme l'arbre de vie; mais une langue perverse est comme un vent qui brise tout.
5 L'insensé méprise l'instruction de son père; mais celui qui prend garde à la réprimande deviendra prudent.
6 Il y a grande abondance dans la maison du juste; mais il y a du trouble dans le revenu du méchant.
7 Les lèvres des sages sèment la science; mais il n'en est pas ainsi du cœur des insensés.
8 Le sacrifice des méchants est en abomination à l'Éternel; mais la requête des hommes droits lui est agréable.
9 La voie du méchant est en abomination à l'Éternel; mais il aime celui qui s'adonne à la justice.
10 Un châtiment sévère attend celui qui quitte le droit chemin; et celui qui hait d'être repris, mourra.
11 Le séjour des morts et l'abîme sont devant l'Éternel; combien plus les cœurs des enfants des hommes?
12 Le moqueur n'aime point qu'on le reprenne, et il n'ira jamais vers les sages.
13 Le cœur joyeux embellit le visage; mais la tristesse du cœur abat l'esprit.
14 Un cœur intelligent cherche la science; mais la bouche des fous se repaît de folie.
15 Tous les jours de l'affligé sont mauvais; mais un cœur joyeux est un festin continuel.
16 Peu, avec la crainte de l'Éternel, vaut mieux qu'un grand trésor, avec lequel il y a du trouble.
17 Mieux vaut un repas d'herbes, où il y a de l'amitié, qu'un festin de bœuf engraissé où il y a de la haine.
18 L'homme violent excite les disputes; mais celui qui est lent à la colère apaise les querelles.
19 La voie du paresseux est comme une haie de ronces; mais le sentier des hommes droits est comme un chemin battu.
20 L'enfant sage réjouit son père; mais l'homme insensé méprise sa mère.
21 La folie est la joie de celui qui est dépourvu de sens; mais l'homme prudent suit le droit chemin.
22 Les projets échouent où manquent les conseils; mais ils s'affermissent lorsqu'il y a beaucoup de conseillers.
23 On a de la joie à donner une réponse de sa bouche; et qu'une parole dite à propos est bonne!
24 Pour l'homme prudent, le chemin de la vie mène en haut, et lui fait éviter le Sépulcre qui est en bas.
25 L'Éternel démolit la maison des orgueilleux; mais il affermit les bornes de la veuve.
26 Les pensées du méchant sont en abomination à l'Éternel; mais les paroles pures lui sont agréables.
27 Celui qui est adonné au gain déshonnête, trouble sa maison; mais celui qui hait les présents vivra.
28 Le cœur du juste médite ce qu'il doit répondre; mais la bouche des méchants profère des choses mauvaises.
29 L'Éternel s'éloigne des méchants; mais il exauce la requête des justes.
30 La lumière des yeux réjouit le cœur, et une bonne nouvelle engraisse les os.
31 L'oreille qui écoute la réprimande qui donne la vie, habitera parmi les sages.
32 Celui qui rejette l'instruction, méprise son âme; mais celui qui écoute la réprimande, acquiert du sens.
33 La crainte de l'Éternel enseigne la sagesse, et l'humilité va devant la gloire.

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Proverbes 15 Commentary

Chapter 15

Verse 1 A right cause will be better pleaded with meekness than with passion. Nothing stirs up anger like grievous words. Verse 2 . He that has knowledge, is to use it aright, for the good of others. Verse 3 . Secret sins, services, and sorrows, are under God's eye. This speaks comfort to saints, and terror to sinners. Verse 4 . A good tongue is healing to wounded consciences, by comforting them; to sin-sick souls, by convincing them; and it reconciles parties at variance. Verse 5 . If instruction is despised, reprove men rather than suffer them to go on undisturbed in the way to ruin. Verse 6 . The wealth of worldly men increases their fears and suspicions, adds strength to their passions, and renders the fear of death more distressing. Verse 7 . We use knowledge aright when we disperse it; but the heart of the foolish has nothing to ( proverbs 15:8-9 ) stead of Christ's atonement, or in the place of holy obedience. Praying graces are his gift, and the work of his Spirit, with which he is well pleased. Verse 10 . He that hates reproof shall perish in his sins, since he would not be parted from them. Verse 11 . There is nothing that can be hid from the eyes of God, not even man's thoughts. Verse 12 . A scorner cannot bear to reflect seriously within his own heart. Verse 13 . A gloomy, impatient, unthankful spirit, springing from pride and undue attachment to worldly objects, renders a man uneasy to himself and others. Verse 14 . A wise man seeks to gain more wisdom, growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. But a carnal mind rests contented, flattering itself. Verse 15 . Some are much in affliction, and of a sorrowful spirit. Such are to be pitied, prayed for, and comforted. And others serve God with gladness of heart, and it prompts their obedience, yet they should rejoice with trembling. ( proverbs 15:16-17 ) little; the Lord is with them, without the cares, troubles, and temptations which are with the wealth of the wicked. Verse 18 . He that is slow to anger, not only prevents strife, but appeases it, if kindled. Verse 19 . Those who have no heart to their work, pretend that they cannot do their work without hardship and danger. And thus many live always in doubt about their state, because always in neglect of some duty. Verse 20 . Those who treat an aged mother or a father with contempt or neglect, show their own folly. Verse 21 . Such as are truly wise, study that their thoughts, words, and actions should be regular, sincere, and holy. Verse 22 . If men will not take time and pains to deliberate, they are not likely to bring any thing to pass. Verse 23 . Wisdom is needed to suit our discourse to the occasions. Verse 24 . A good man sets his affections on things above; his way leads directly thither. Verse 25 . Pride is the ruin of multitudes. But those who are in affliction God will support. Verse 26 . The thoughts of wicked men offend Him who knows the heart. Verse 27 . The covetous man lets none of his family have rest or enjoyment. And greediness of gain often tempts to projects that bring ruin. Verse 28 . A good man is proved to be a wise man by this; he governs his tongue well. Verse 29 . God sets himself at a distance from those who set him at defiance. Verse 30 . How delightful to the humbled soul to hear the good report of salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ! Verse 31 . Faithful, friendly reproofs help spiritual life, and lead to eternal life. Verse 32 . Sinners undervalue their own souls; therefore they prefer the body before the soul, and wrong the soul to please the body. Verse 33 . The fear of the Lord will dispose us to search the Scriptures with reverence; and it will cause us to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit. While we humbly place all our dependence on the grace of God, we are exalted in the righteousness of Christ.

Chapter Summary


This chapter relates Solomon's preparation for building the temple: on Hiram, king of Tyre, sending a congratulatory letter to him, he returned another to him, signifying his intention to build an house for God, and requesting him to supply him with timber, and men to work it, 1Ki 5:1-6; to which Hiram readily agreed, and sent him cedar and fir, and Solomon in return sent him food for his household; and things went on very amicably between them, 1Ki 5:7-12; the chapter concludes with an account of Solomon's workmen, where, how, and in what they were employed, 1Ki 5:13-18.

Proverbes 15 Commentaries

The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.