Acts 2:2-12

2 And suddenly there was made a sound from heaven, as of a great wind coming, and it filled all the house where they sat [and it filled all the house where they were sitting].
3 And diverse tongues as fire appeared to them, and it sat on each of them. [And tongues diversely parted as fire appeared to them, and it sat upon each of them.]
4 And all were filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak in diverse languages [and they began to speak with diverse tongues], as the Holy Ghost gave to them to speak.
5 And there were in Jerusalem dwelling Jews, religious men, of each nation that is under heaven.
6 And when this voice was made, the multitude came together, and were astonished in thought [and in soul, or understanding, was confounded, or astonished], for each man heard them speaking in his own language.
7 And all were astonished, and wondered, and said together, Whether not all these that speak be men of Galilee, [Forsooth all men were astonished, and wondered, saying together, Whether not all these that speak be Galileans,]
8 and how heard we each man our language in which we be born? [and how we heard each man his tongue in which we be born?]
9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and they that dwell at Mesopotamia [and they that dwell in Mesopotamia], Judaea, and Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia,
10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the parts of Libya, that is about Cyrene, and comelings Romans, and Jews, and proselytes,
11 men of Crete, and of Arabia, we have heard them speaking in our languages the great things of God. [men of Crete and Arabia, we have heard them speaking in our tongues the great things of God.]
12 And all were astonished, and wondered, saying together, What will this thing be?

Images for Acts 2:2-12

Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.