Mark 5:17-27

17 And they begane to praye him that he wolde departe fro their coostes.
18 And when he was come in to the shyppe he that had ye devyll prayed him that he myght be with him.
19 Howbeit Iesus wolde not suffre him but sayde vnto him: goo home in to thyne awne housse and to thy frendes and shewe the what great thinges ye Lorde hath done vnto the and how he had copassion on the.
20 And he departed and begane to publisshe in ye ten cyties what greate thinges Iesus had done vnto him and all me dyd merveyle.
21 And when Iesus was come over agayne by shyp vnto the other syde moche people gadered vnto him and he was nye vnto the see.
22 And beholde ther came one of the rulers of ye Synagoge whose name was Iairus: and when he sawe him he fell doune at his fete
23 and besought hym greatly sayinge: my doughter lyith at poynt of deeth I wolde thou woldest come and laye thy honde on her that she myght be safe and live.
24 And he wet with him and moche people folowed him and thronged him.
25 And ther was a certen woman which was diseased of an yssue of bloude .xii. yeres
26 and had suffred many thinges of many phisicios and had spet all yt she had and felte none amendmet at all but wexed worsse and worsse.
27 When she had herde of Iesus: she came into the preace behynde him and touched his garmet.
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