Faithful Servants

Faithful Servants
In his book Living Faithfully, J. Allen Blair tells of a man who was struggling to get to Grand Central Station in New York City. The wind blew fiercely, and the rain beat down on him as he lugged his two heavy suitcases toward the terminal. Occasionally he would pause to rest and regain his strength before trudging on against the elements.

At one point he was almost ready to collapse, when a man suddenly appeared by his side, took the suitcases, and said in a strangely familiar voice, "We're going the same way. You look as if you could use some help." When they had reached the shelter of the station, the weary traveler, the renowned educator Booker T. Washington, asked the man, "Please, sir, what is your name?" The man replied, "The name, my friend, is Roosevelt. Teddy Roosevelt."