
Many Christians wear a WWJD band on their arms. This stands for the question, "What Would Jesus Do?" This question goes all the way back to a book written by Charles Sheldon entitled, In His Steps. The book mused on what would happen if people in everyday life asked "What Would Jesus Do?"

What is not widely known is that after the book came out, the Topeka Daily Capital newspaper decided to put Sheldon's ideas to the test and allowed him to edit the newspaper for a week. The story is told in the book, Significa. What happened? Sheldon submitted every story to his important question. He severely restricted advertisements to wholesome products. A news story on a famine included an appeal to help those in need. Positive stories were given top billing. As a result the circulation of the paper went from 15,000 to 367,000.

Illustration by J. Michael Shannon, Professor of Preaching, Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary, Cincinnati, OH.