Daniel 12

1 Mas en aquel tiempo se levantará Miguel, el gran príncipe que está por los hijos de tu pueblo; y será tiempo de angustia, cual nunca fue después que hubo gente hasta entonces; mas en aquel tiempo tu pueblo escapará, todos los que se hallaren escritos en el libro.
2 Y muchos de los que duermen en el polvo de la tierra serán despertados, unos para vida eterna, y otros para vergüenza y confusión perpetua.
3 Y los entendidos resplandecerán como el resplandor del firmamento; y los que enseñan la justicia a la multitud, como las estrellas a perpetua eternidad.
4 Tú, pues, Daniel, cierra las palabras y sella el libro hasta el tiempo del fin; pasarán muchos, y se multiplicará la ciencia.
5 Y yo, Daniel, miré, y he aquí otros dos que estaban, el uno a este lado a la orilla del río, y el otro al otro lado a la orilla del río.
6 Y dijo uno al Varón vestido de lienzos, que estaba sobre las aguas del río: ¿Cuándo será el fin de estas maravillas?
7 Y oía al Varón vestido de lienzos, que estaba sobre las aguas del río, el cual alzó su diestra y su siniestra al cielo, y juró por el Viviente en los siglos, que será por tiempo, tiempos, y la mitad. Y cuando se acabare el esparcimiento del poder del pueblo santo, todas estas cosas serán cumplidas.
8 Y yo oí, mas no entendí. Y dije: Señor mío, ¿qué es el cumplimiento de estas cosas?
9 Y dijo: Anda, Daniel, que estas palabras serán cerradas y selladas hasta el tiempo del cumplimiento.
10 Muchos serán limpios, y emblanquecidos, y purgados. Y los impíos se empeorarán, y ninguno de los impíos entenderá, pero entenderán los entendidos.
11 Y desde el tiempo que fuere quitado el continuo sacrificio hasta la abominación de asolamiento, habrá mil doscientos noventa días.
12 Bienaventurado el que esperare, y llegare hasta mil trescientos treinta y cinco días.
13 Y tú irás al fin, y reposarás, y te levantarás en tu suerte (o en tu herencia ) al fin de los días.

Daniel 12 Commentary

Chapter 12

The conclusion of the vision of the Scriptures of truth. (1-4) The times of the continuance of these events. (5-13)

1-4. Michael signifies, "Who is like God," and his name, with the title of "the great Prince," points out the Divine Saviour. Christ stood for the children of our people in their stead as a sacrifice, bore the curse for them, to bear it from them. He stands for them in pleading for them at the throne of grace. And after the destruction of antichrist, the Lord Jesus shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and He shall appear for the complete redemption of all his people. When God works deliverance from persecution for them, it is as life from the dead. When his gospel is preached, many who sleep in the dust, both Jews and Gentiles, shall be awakened by it out of their heathenism of Judaism. And in the end the multitude that sleep in the dust shall awake; many shall arise to life, and many to shame. There is glory reserved for all the saints in the future state, for all that are wise, wise for their souls and eternity. Those who turn many to righteousness, who turn sinners from the errors of their ways, and help to save their souls from death, ( James 5:20 ) , will share in the glory of those they have helped to heaven, which will add to their own glory.

Verses 5-13 One of the angels asking how long it should be to the end of these wonders, a solemn reply is made, that it would be for a time, times, and a half, the period mentioned ch. 7:25 , and in the Revelation. It signifies 1260 prophetic days or years, beginning from the time when the power of the holy people should be scattered. The imposture of Mohammed, and the papal usurpation, began about the same time; and these were a twofold attack upon the church of God. But all will end well at last. All opposing rule, principality, and power, shall be put down, and holiness and love will triumph, and be in honour, to eternity. The end, this end, shall come. What an amazing prophecy is this, of so many varied events, and extending through so many successive ages, even to the general resurrection! Daniel must comfort himself with the pleasing prospect of his own happiness in death, in judgment, and to eternity. It is good for us all to think much of going away from this world. That must be our way; but it is our comfort that we shall not go till God calls us to another world, and till he has done with us in this world; till he says, Go thou thy way, thou hast done thy work, therefore now, go thy way, and leave it to others to take thy place. It was a comfort to Daniel, and is a comfort to all the saints, that whatever their lot is in the days of their lives, they shall have a happy lot in the end of the days. And it ought to be the great care and concern of every one of us to secure this. Then we may well be content with our present lot, and welcome the will of God. Believers are happy at all times; they rest in God by faith now, and a rest is reserved for them in heaven at last.

Chapter Summary


This chapter begins with an account of a time of exceeding great trouble to the people of God, who are comforted with the consideration of Michael the great Prince being on their side, and with a promise of deliverance, with the resurrection of the dead, and the glorious state of wise and good men upon that, Da 12:1-3, and Daniel is ordered to shut up and seal the book of the prophecy, until a time when it should be better understood, Da 12:4, next follows a question put by an angel to Christ, and his answer to it, with respect to the time of the fulfilment of those wonderful events, Da 12:5-7. Daniel, not understanding what he heard, asks what would be the end of those things, Da 12:8 in answer to which he is bid to be content with what he knew; no alteration would be among men; things would be neither better nor worse with them, Da 12:9,10, a time is fixed for the accomplishment of all, Da 12:11,12, and it is promised him that he should have rest after death, and rise again, and have his lot and share with the blessed, Da 12:13.

Daniel 12 Commentaries
