John 7:3-10

3 So his brothers said to him, Go away from here into Judaea so that your disciples may see the works which you do.
4 Because no man does things secretly if he has a desire that men may have knowledge of him. If you do these things, let yourself be seen by all men.
5 For even his brothers had no belief in him.
6 Jesus said to them, My time is still to come, but any time is good for you.
7 It is not possible for you to be hated by the world; but I am hated by it, because I give witness that what it does is evil.
8 Go you up to the feast: I am not going up now to the feast because my time has not fully come.
9 Having said these things to them, he still kept in Galilee.
10 But after his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he went up, not publicly, but in secret.
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