那鸿书 3:1-3

1 祸 哉 ! 这 流 人 血 的 城 , 充 满 谎 诈 和 强 暴 , 抢 夺 的 事 总 不 止 息 。
2 鞭 声 响 亮 , 车 轮 轰 轰 , 马 匹 踢 跳 , 车 辆 奔 腾 ,
3 马 兵 争 先 , 刀 剑 发 光 , 枪 矛 闪 烁 , 被 杀 的 甚 多 , 尸 首 成 了 大 堆 , 尸 骸 无 数 , 人 碰 着 而 跌 倒 ,

那鸿书 3:1-3 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter is contained the prophecy of the destruction of Nineveh, and with it the whole Assyrian empire; the causes of which, besides those before mentioned, were the murders, lies, and robberies it was full of, Na 3:1 for which it should be swiftly and cruelly destroyed, Na 3:2,3 as also its whoredoms and witchcrafts, or idolatry, by which nations and families were seduced, Na 3:4 and hence she should be treated as a harlot, her nakedness exposed, and she cast out with contempt, and mocked at by all, Na 3:5-7 and all those things she placed her confidence in are shown to be of no avail; as her situation and fortresses, as she might learn from the case of No Amon, Na 3:8-12 nor the number of her inhabitants, which were weak as women; nor even her merchants, captains, nobles, and king himself, Na 3:13-18 nor the people she was in alliance with, who would now mock at her, her case being irrecoverable and incurable, Na 3:19.

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