Ecclesiastes 6:12; Ecclesiastes 7:12; Ecclesiastes 8:13

Viewing Multiple Passages

Ecclesiastes 6:12

12 For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?
The King James Version is in the public domain.

Ecclesiastes 7:12

12 For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.
The King James Version is in the public domain.

Ecclesiastes 8:13

13 But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.
The King James Version is in the public domain.