
The minister was early for the service, but there was one person already there. She was sitting in the back pew, at the end of the pew, half asleep. He went over and teased her about getting her nap finished before he began to preach. "This is the only place I can get any rest," she said. At first he thought she meant she had back trouble and the contour of the added pew gave her relief. But as they talked on he realized she meant something else. She worked a full time job outside the home and cared for all the household duties in the home. When she came to church it was the only time she could get any rest. Many have experienced this, not in terms of physical rest but in terms of spiritual and emotional rest. Guilt-laden people say, "This is the only place I can get any rest." Sorrow-laden people say, "This is the only place I can get any rest." Worried people say, "This is the only place I can get any rest." Even people in physical pain find some relief in worship! As an old hymn says, "O Love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee."