Search Results for no other gods

Found 2446 Results for no other gods
Habakkuk 2:9

Habakkuk 2:9 Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, &c.] The bishops of Rome, being enriched by the donations of Constantine, wer...

Lamentations 2:7

Lamentations 2:7 The Lord hath cast off his altar Whether of incense, or of burnt offerings; the sacrifices of which used to be acceptable to him; but...

Isaiah 43:9

Isaiah 43:9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled In one place, if it could be, in an open court of judicature; th...

Ezekiel 16:29

Ezekiel 16:29 Thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication in the land of Canaan Or, with the land of Canaan F12; with the inhabitants of it, doing t...

1 Corinthians 8

Chapter?8The apostle, in this chapter, answers another case proposed to him by some of the Corinthians, about eating those things that had been sacrif...

Jeremiah 13:27

Jeremiah 13:27 I have seen thine adulteries Not literally such, though they were greatly guilty of that sin; but figuratively, their idolatries: thy n...

God, 1

GOD, 1 god ('Elohim, 'El, [`Elyon], Shadday, Yahweh; Theos): I. INTRODUCTION TO THE GENERAL IDEA 1. The Idea in Experience and in Thought 2. Defini...

1 Corinthians 14:32

1 Corinthians 14:32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.] Meaning either that the doctrines which the prophets deliver, the ex...

Ruth 1:16

Ruth 1:16 And Ruth said, entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee Do not make use of any arguments to persuade me to go ba...

Letter CXXXI(1)

Letter CXXXI(1) Letter CXXXI(1) To Olympius.(2) 1. Truly unexpected tidings make both ears tingle. This is my case. These compositions against me, wh...

Book V.

Book V.Book V.1. Admitting that all these things which do the immortal gods dishonour, have been put forth by poets merely in sport, what of those fou...

Psalm 115:4

?EXPOSITION Verse 4. Their idols are silver and gold, mere dead inert matter; at the best only made of precious metal, but that metal quite as powerle...

Romans 13

Chapter 1313:1 Let 1 every a soul be subject unto the higher 2 powers. 3 For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are b ordained of God. (...

Romans 11:30

Romans 11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God The times referred to, are the times of ignorance, idolatry, and superstition; when God suf...

Exodus 7:1

Exodus 7:1 And the Lord said unto Moses In answer to his objection, taken from his own meanness, and the majesty of Pharaoh, and from his want of read...

Ezekiel 8:12

Ezekiel 8:12 Then said he unto me, son of man, hast thou seen Here should be a stop, as the accent segolta shows; hast thou taken notice of, hast thou...

James 3

Chapter 33:1 My 1 brethren, be not many masters, 2 knowing that we a shall receive the greater condemnation. 1 The sixth part or place: Let no man usu...


EPICUREANS ep-i-ku-re'-anz (Epikoureioi): \Contents 1. Social and Political Causes 2. Egoistic Hedonism 3. Back to Nature 4. Ataraxy 5. Pleasure Is t...

Psalms 82

Chapter?82This psalm is calculated for the meridian of princes? courts and courts of justice, not in Israel only, but in other nations; yet it was pro...

Deuteronomy 31

Chapter 3131:2 And he said unto them, I [am] an hundred and twenty years old this day; I a can no more go out and come in: also the LORD hath said unt...