Search Results for kill

Found 274 Results for kill
Jezebel - What Her Life and Story from the Bible Teach Us

Blair Parke

Jezebel is known by many as the name representing a woman with dangerous and harmful intentions in mind, who never hesitated to create the downfalls of others in order for her plans to work. Jezebel w...

5 Ways God Loves a Prodigal

Matt Carter

The good news of the parable of the prodigal son overwhelms us with the truth that, more than anything—including His hatred of our sin—our God loves us unconditionally. If you’re a wandering prodigal ...

Why Would Jesus Call a Zealot to Be His Disciple?

Joel Ryan

In the first century, the Zealots were a notorious sect of Jewish patriots who sought to overthrow the Roman occupation of Palestine through violence, terror, and political intimidation, often resorti...

Was Vashti Really in the Wrong in Esther's Story?

Annette Griffin

King Xerxes approved the decree and Queen Vashti was thereby stripped of her title and banished from the king’s presence forever, to make way for someone more “worthy” of the title of Queen....

3 Reasons Why Halloween Is Not Satan's Birthday and Never Will Be

Jennifer Waddle

Satan’s birthday? I’d never heard that one before. As a young Christian mom, I had friends who didn’t celebrate Halloween, but I’d never heard one of them call it Satan’s birthday. In my surprise, I d...

What Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Bethany Verrett

During the seven years of tribulation, the Bible warns of seven seals, the fourth of which, when broken, will cause four great creatures to call forth four riders, who carry with them conquest, war, f...

How Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Are the afflictions of the righteous smaller than everyone else's, or do we suffer as much as non-believers? If so, what's the point? Here's what the Bible tells us to remember about our trials in thi...

What Is Akeldama in the Bible?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Akeldama is connected to some dark events in the New Testament. So why is it important we remember it?...

12 Ways Christians Can Relieve Stress

Heather Adams

I’ve come to see that through God’s strength, I can break the hold stress has on me when it hits. And sometimes, the simplest things are the most effective. Here are some ways I’m learning to handle t...

4 Ways Jesus’ Words Contradict Common Philosophies

Sue Schlesman

Here’s a look at some major differences between Jesus’ words and some other ancient philosophers. What do the world’s major religions say about life, love, relationships, and purpose?...

What Does the Bible Have to Say about Weed?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible doesn’t specifically mention weed, marijuana, or other drugs, God’s word does have plenty to say about the importance of staying in one’s right and sober mind — particularly as the dev...

5 Red Flags of Potential Wolves in the Church

Emma Danzey

Some of the greatest wolves of all times have been some of the most influential and great speakers. They are polished, attractive, and great at winning the hearts of audiences. Not only this, but wolv...

How to Teach Difficult Bible Stories to Your Kids

Shelby Turner

“Mom, why would God do that? Why would he tell a dad to hurt his little boy?” We had just finished reading a chapter titled “The Gift” in the Jesus Storybook Bible and my five-year old’s eyes had grow...

What Happened to Judas after He Betrayed Jesus?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

No one wants to be called or labeled a Judas. However, like every other person in history there is a story to his life. There are how’s to the life of Judas. For example, how did Judas become a discip...

How Can I Trust a God Who Is Allowing Coronavirus?

Anne Peterson

We have this wonderful love letter full of promises from God. We can saturate ourselves with Biblical truths and realize we have victory, even when battling a global pandemic....

Why Does the Bible Warn about Cultural Relativism?

Bethany Verrett

Because culture is greatly influenced by man, and man is creative in ways that are both good and bad, many cultures have elements that are a mix of good, bad, or neutral. Removing any objective standa...

What Are We to Make of Human Sacrifices in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

Despite all the evil of the world, the death and resurrection of Jesus defeated death forever, unlike human sacrifice, which did nothing. Sacrifice to idols is meaningless, but faith in Jesus Christ i...

What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Whatever You Do for the Least of These"?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

"Whatever you do for the least of these" is one of the most famous passages in the New Testament. But have we missed the point that Jesus was making?...

Who Were the Canaanites, and Why Did God Order Their Destruction?

Mike Leake

The story of the Canaanites is a difficult one to reckon with. We do well to let the Bible speak for itself and even allow our questions at times to remain unanswered. God is rescuing people from ever...

How Do We Avoid the Sneaky Sin of Wrath?

Britt Mooney

Wrath is such as tempting, intoxicating sin. So how can we avoid it?...