Search Results for Matthew

Found 1074 Results for Matthew
Matthew 26:19
19 So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover meal.
Matthew 26:25
25 Judas, who betrayed him, said, "Surely not I, Rabbi?" He replied, "You have said so."
Matthew 26:60
60 but they found none, though many false witnesses came forward. At last two came forward
Matthew 27:8
8 For this reason that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day.
Matthew 27:12
12 But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he did not answer.
Matthew 27:18
18 For he realized that it was out of jealousy that they had handed him over.
Matthew 27:33
33 And when they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull),
Matthew 27:35
35 And when they had crucified him, they divided his clothes among themselves by casting lots;
Matthew 27:47
47 When some of the bystanders heard it, they said, "This man is calling for Elijah."
Matthew 27:49
49 But the others said, "Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to save him."
Matthew 27:66
66 So they went with the guard and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone.
Matthew 3:13
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him.
Matthew 4:19
19 And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people."
Matthew 5:44
44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
Matthew 7:18
18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
Matthew 7:28
28 Now when Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were astounded at his teaching,
Matthew 8:22
22 But Jesus said to him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."
Matthew 9:34
34 But the Pharisees said, "By the ruler of the demons he casts out the demons."
Matthew 9:37
37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
Matthew 10:33
33 but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven.