Search Results for "word of god"

Found 57 Results for "word of god"
Armor Of God

A Denver newspaper recently reported that a 26-year-old man was stabbed to death when he put on a bullet-proof vest and his uncle plunged a knife into his chest to test the body armor. The protective ...

Illustration: Conviction of Sin for All

Everyone on earth, from leaders to the lowliest of servants, must repent of sin in order to be saved....

Illustration: Moral Standards, Ten Commandments

Who doesn't wish for at least one do-over in life? If we stick to God's rules, we will have fewer regrets, fewer wishes for do-overs....


David Jeremiah has observed, "Almost weekly we hear about a new computer "virus" that is spreading around the world - deleting files, crashing hard drives, and souring attitudes. Software viruses act ...

Christian Teachers

One More Time In a manufacturing town in Scotland, a young lady began teaching a Sunday school class of poverty-stricken boys. The most unpromising youngster was a boy named Bob. After the first two...

Call To Ministry

"Those who are truly sent by God . . . are marked by the fact that they are faithful to the message of the Gospel, exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, proclaiming to men the good news of salvation through...

The Primacy of Preaching in a Healthy Church

Mark Dever explains why the regular diet of the church should consist of the explanation and application of particular portions of God’s Word. ...

Transmitting the Word: An Interview with John Piper on Consistency and Community

John Barry

Pointers from John Piper on approaching the Bible...

Minister of the Word

The preacher gives a human voice to the divine word so that others will hear from God. ...

How Can Young Pastors Disciple Older Believers?

Here are three tips I have found helpful from myself going to pastor a church at the age of 29 where most the members were between the ages of 70-90 years old....

Preaching by Lectionary

The heart of preaching is found in the interplay between the preacher coming to God’s Word in Scripture and then bringing people to God’s Word......

Preaching Dangerously

An Interview with Mark Labberton, Sr. Pastor of First Presbyertian Church of Berkley, Califonia....

Temptation: The Hardest Test You Will Ever Take

Matthew 4: 1-11 The challenge of taking tests starts rather early in......

What's in the Box?

I’m sitting in row seven watching Dr. Bob, our senior pastor, give today’s sermon for children. He raises a box and squints his eyes as though he is trying to figure out what is in it. Now most of us,...

Choosing to Preach

Choosing to Preach is a call to preach biblical sermons and, at the same time, to recognize that there are many ways to carry out that mandate....

Preaching: Exposing God's Glory

Contrary to popular wisdom, good preaching has little to do with eloquence, fashion, or the length of a sermon. Good preaching is all about content and posture. ...