Search Results for comfort

Found 42 Results for comfort
Illustration: Betrayal

In Saratoga, N.Y., there is a strange monument. It is comprised of a sculpture of a boot and an inscription of praise that never mentions by name the one being memorialized. The monument is in honor o...


Over 2,000 years ago a young Greek artist named Timanthes studied under a respected tutor. After several years, the teacher's efforts seemed to have paid off when Timanthes painted an exquisite work o...

Illustration: Valleys

Besides the Bible's Valley of Megiddo, the most famous valley in literature is surely Alfred, Lord Tennyson's valley of death in his poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade," written to commemorate the ...

Church Discipline

"In Returning to Your First Love, pastor Tony Evans tells how his younger brother, after rebelling against their father's authority, was sent packing, suitcase in hand. Twenty minutes later, the banis...

Fear, Peace

I recall the story of a little girl who, when trains were popular transportation, was taking he first train ride with her parents. As night descended, the mother took the girl, who was clearly quite ...

Justice, Influence

With God in the Crucible: Preaching Costly Discipleship is an Abingdon Press book that contains sermons by Peter Storey, former President of the Methodist Church of South Africa and Bishop of the Joha...

Ministry Post-9/11: Thoughts from Leading Pastors

Trevin Wax

Five well-known pastors, including two former Muslims, respond to the question: "How does living in a post-9/11 world influence the way you preach and do ministry?" ...

The Compassion of God in Jonah

Philip Nation

We’ve just finished up our message series in Jonah, and I am always devastated by what I learn in the fourth chapter. Here are my preaching notes on the subject of how we learn to take on God’s heart ...

Pastoral Infidelity: Problems and Solutions

Dr. Chet Weld

When a pastor falls into sin, especially sexual sin, the ripple effect on the lives of others is often immeasurable....

What Will I Serve for Dinner?

Parents ask this question on a daily basis. “Should I microwave some TV dinners or make a salad? Pastors make similar decisions for their church families on a weekly basis. Every week, every pastor wo...

How Can I Heal After an Abusive Church Experience?

Joe McKeever

With God's help, you can leave behind the painful memories of difficult church experience....

Preaching the Psalms as Stories

I had an epiphany while listening to Johnny Cash that transformed the way I preached the Psalms. ...