Search Results for fellowship

Found 43 Results for fellowship

More than 25 religious and scientific leaders have signed a new "manifesto on biotechnology" that calls for the banning of all human cloning and legislation that will prevent discrimination based on g...

Faith Honored

Communion Reward Faith honors God and God honors faith! If we abide in His will and trust Him implicitly the Lord will reward our confidence. An incident from the lives of Robert and Mary Moffat under...

Spiritual Exercise

According to a researcher at the University of Michigan, a program of good exercise may help a person fight off colds and infection. The theory is that a good workout puts the body in a condition simi...

Making Room for Atheism

An informed biblical worldview supports pluralism, democracy, and freedom. Christians should neither tolerate coercive secularization of the government, nor should they aim to establish a theocracy....

How Can I Heal After an Abusive Church Experience?

Joe McKeever

With God's help, you can leave behind the painful memories of difficult church experience....

What to Say...When You've Said It All

How does one approach the final sermons in a church before resignation? After having to deal with this challenge a few times, let me make a few observations. ...

Of Gnats And Camels

We live in exciting days of evangelistic possibilities. Like never before, people are searching for spiritual answers to meaningful, eternal questions. And though many of these answers are misguide...

Is Dialogue a Basis for Christian Unity?

I have to confess to a certain annoyance with buzz words--warm fuzzy jargon words like "dialogue" and "inclusion." I’m sure at times the annoyance has been of my own creation. They can be perfectly go...

Pastoral Infidelity: Problems and Solutions

Dr. Chet Weld

When a pastor falls into sin, especially sexual sin, the ripple effect on the lives of others is often immeasurable....

Preaching and the House Church Movement

House Church. For pastors, the mere term once conjured up images of angry men and women gathered around a kitchen table, condemning the mis­takes and failures of the traditional church they had left f...

The Year's Best Books for Preachers

The demise of the book has been predicted for years now – its doom supposedly inevitable after the advent of the digital age. Well, someone forgot to tell the reading public in general, and prea...