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Found 2247 Results for i have called you friends
Job 32

CHAPTER 32 Job 32:1-37:24'. SPEECH OF ELIHU. 1-6. Prose (poetry begins with I am young). because, &c.--and because they could not prove to him...

John Wilson

John Wilson was born in the parish of Kildwick in Yorkshire, and ordained deacon according to the order of the church of England; when he obtained a ...

Future Punishment

FUTURE PUNISHMENT. * Son, remember. Luke 16: 25. I want to talk to you about the 25th verse of the 16th chapter of Luke?just two words: Son rememb...


NEW. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom. John 31 3. I suppose there ia not a man in Philadelphia but has had a great many persons...


BLIND. A Mother's Mistake. While I was attending a meeting in a certain city sometime ago a lady came to me and said: I want you to go home with me...

Seek the Lord

SEEK THE LORD. Seek the the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he to near. 501 6. You will find my text this evening in the 55th ch...

John 15

Chapter 1515:1 I 1 am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. (1) We are by nature dry and fit for nothing but the fire. Therefore, in order t...

Similitude Fifth

Similitude Fifth Similitude Fifth Of True Fasting and Its Reward: Also of Purity of Body. Chapter I.While fasting and sitting on a certain mountain, a...

Job 19:4

Job 19:4 And be it indeed [that] I have erred Which is a concession for argument's sake, but not an acknowledgment that he had erred; though it is pos...

Conversion of Saul

CONVERSION OF SAUL. - Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me. Acts 9: 4. You who were here last night know that I was speaking on the Prodigal Son. To-...

Letter XLVII. To the Church of Alexandria on the Same Occasion.

Letter XLVII. To the Church of Alexandria on the Same Occasion.Letter XLVII. To the Church of Alexandria on the Same Occasion.Athanasius to all the pr...

Their Faith

THEIR FAITH. ??When he saw their faith. Luke 5: 20. In beginning his sermon, Mr. Moody called attention to a clause of the 20th verse of the 5th ch...


SAVED. A London Doctor Saved after Fifty Years of Prayer. When I was in London there was a leading doctor in that city, upwards of seventy years of ...

Oration III.

Oration III.Oration III.To Those Who Had Invited Him, and Not Come to Receive Him.(About Easter a.d. 362.)I. How slow you are, my friends and brethren...

John 15:15

John 15:15 Henceforth I call you not servants As they and the rest of the people of God had been, under the legal dispensation; for though they were c...

Their Rock Is Not As Our Rock

THEIR ROCK IS NOT AS OUR ROCK. For their rock is not as our rock, even our enemies themselves being judges. Deuteronomy 32: 31. I want to call your ...

Chapter X

Now as they were thus in their way, there came one running to meet theni, and said, Gentlemen, and you of the weaker sort, if you love life, shift fo...

Letter LXIX(1)

Letter LXIX(1) Letter LXIX(1) To Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria. 1. As time moves on, it continually confirms the opinion which I have long held of...

Chapter 6

1. AND now the Romans, upon the flight of the seditious into the city, and upon the burning of the holy house itself, and of all the buildings roun...

Job 19

The Book of JobChapter 19Chapter Overview: Job complains of the wicked usage of his friends, ver. 1 - 7. Of the shyness and strangeness of his relat...