Search Results for i have called you friends

Found 267 Results for i have called you friends
5 Ways to Love Your Unsaved Friends

Denise Kohlmeyer

Here are a few ways to express our love to our unsaved friends. These can also apply to unsaved family members, co-workers, neighbors—anyone in your relationship sphere who does not know Jesus as Savi...

What Did Job Mean When He Said "I Know That My Redeemer Lives"?

Stephanie Englehart

Suffering is a universal problem, which is part of what makes the book of Job, a story known for suffering and lasting faith, so relatable. In chapter 19, Job says "I know that my redeemer lives." But...

The Joyful Truth Found in the Parable of the Lost Coin

Heather Adams

“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors to...

Standing Out: When You Don't Fit In

We all want to be liked, cherished, and appreciated by our peers. But what if I told you that God could care less about these things?...

Why Must Love Be Patient and Kind?

Hope Bolinger

“Love is patient, love is kind.” Why patient? Why kind? Why didn’t any of the other later attributes such as not envying, not boasting, etc. come before these two?...

Uplifting Bible Verses about Being Made New

Emma Danzey

The truth is that we have a variety of selections as to who we are going to be in life. However, Jesus is the spiritual expert and He can transform our hearts if we say yes to Him. As believers in Chr...

How to Avoid the Trap of Envy

Frank Santora

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones” (Proverbs 14:30).I heard a joke recently about two store owners who were bitter rivals. Their stores were directly across the street ...

How Can We Pursue God’s Life-Changing Vision for Our Lives?

Frank Santora

Who cares what the naysayers and haters say, or what family and friends prefer for your life – that is not what creates a happy and blessed life. All that matters is what God wants for your life, and ...

What Does Biblical ‘Love in Action’ Look Like?

Melissa Henderson

Reading Scripture can show us how love in action was shown in the Bible. One of the most profound and special ways love was shown is when God gave His only Son so that we would not perish but have eve...

What Does Psalm 135:6 Mean for the Coronavirus?

Stephanie Englehart

Friends do not let God's good pleasure, in any matter, scare you away or harden your hearts in anger. Rather, let His good pleasure mold your heart to His—let it help you see the greatness of who God ...

Why You Should Know about Bartholomew, One of the Obscure Disciples of Jesus?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Bartholomew is an apostle of Jesus Christ mentioned in Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14, and Acts 1:13. Some say he may be Nathaniel in John 1:45. ...

Has God Prepared a Place in Heaven for My Dog?

Alicia Searl

Knowing that God has a plan and purpose for every living thing and the animals He brings into our lives should bring comfort....

Does the Bible Have Anything to Say about Pornography?

Emma Danzey

What does the Bible say about pornography? Today we are going to dive into the Scriptures on how to approach pornography and how to help ourselves and others with addictions....

Why Is the Garden of Gethsemane so Crucial to Jesus' Life?

Jessica Brodie

In the last free moments of His life, Jesus retreats with some of his closest disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. He spends His time there praying with ferocity as He prepares Himself for the ordea...

How Can We Be in the World but Not of the World?

Michael Jakes

This world system is opposed to everything that is God and is under the dominion of Satan. Even we sometimes think that we can live godly lives, and yet hold on to a piece of this world for ourselves....

Should Christians Go to Therapy?

Jessica Brodie

Maybe we want to go to therapy, seeking counseling from a trained mental health counselor, but we worry. “If you pray hard enough, it’ll go away,” someone perhaps told us. Or possibly we’ve heard, “Yo...

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

Molly Law

From the very beginning, we were created in God’s image. What an immense honor it is to have the features of God, to be like Him. If we have a sense of humor, then the One who created us has a sense o...

Who Are the Ninevites in Your Life?

Hope Bolinger

We can easily laugh at Jonah, or roll our eyes at him. After all, why couldn't he allow God to save the people of Nineveh? But how often do we have someone we don't want to see redemption?...

What Does It Look Like to Follow God, No Matter the Cost?

Ashley Hooker

Have you ever decided to start a business? Maybe, you have had to make an unexpected purchase. Whatever the case may be, there has been a cost. You may have decided that the cost is just too much an...