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CONFOUND kon-found': The physical origin of spiritual terms is well illustrated by the principal Hebrew words for confounded (rendered also ashamed, ...

1.2.2. Babylon?s Predicted Destruction

History records that although Babylon ?fell? numerous times at the hands of different invaders, it never suffered anything like a complete destructio...


Name [N]In contemporary Western culture a name rarely possesses significance beyond that of a highly sentimental, perhaps aesthetically conditioned re...

Revelation 10:7

in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel This refers to the time period during which the seventh angel sounds and the final seven bowl judgmen...

Revelation 9:13

the sixth angel sounded This is the sixth angel of the seven which were given trumpets (Rev. Rev. 8:2+). When he sounds, the second of the three fina...

1.2.1. Babylon?s Historic Fall

When one examines the historical record concerning the fall of the city of Babylon in 539 B.C. to Persia (Dan. Dan. 5:30-31), it is clear that the te...


Babylon [N] [T] [B] [H] [S]the Greek form of BABEL; Semitic form Babilu, meaning The Gate of God. In the Assyrian tablets it means The city of the di...

Psalms 87

PSALM 87 Psalms 87:1-7 . This triumphal song was probably occasioned by the same event as the the glory of the Church, as the means of spirit...

Servant, Service

Servant, Service The words servant, service, and serve, in various forms, occur well over 1, 100 times in the New International Version. People are...

7.5.2. Literal Understanding of Numbers

In studying the book of Revelation, one is immediately struck by the prevailing bias of many commentators against understanding numbers in their norm...


Ordinance [N]With the defeat of Og of Bashan and Sihon of Heshbon, Israel was poised on the east bank of the Jordan to enter Canaan. Moses led a coven...


\\INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 18\\ \\\\. This is the same with that in \\#2Sa 22:1-23\\, with some variations, omissions, and alterations: \\the servant ...

Revelation 2:9

I know See commentary on Revelation 2:2. tribulation and poverty The connection between tribulation and poverty is found in the likelihood that their...

1.2.3. The Timing of Babylon?s Destruction

Having seen the severe manner in which Babylon is to be destroyed, we now examine the timing of Babylon?s destruction. When are these prophecies of h...

Hate, Hatred

Hate, Hatred Hate derives from a strong dislike or ill will toward persons or things. As an emotional attitude, a person may oppose, detest, or despis...

Color, Symbolic Meaning of

Color, Symbolic Meaning of Although the Bible contains relatively few references to individual colors, their symbolic associations are theologically s...

Revelation 1:14

like wool, as white as snow In Daniel?s vision, it is the Ancient of Days (the Father) who?s ?hair of His head was like pure wool? (Dan. Dan. 7:9). H...

Lake of Fire

Lake of Fire God's final retributive punishment. After Armageddon the beast and false prophet will be tossed into this lake of burning sulfur, joined...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th... A Literal City

Beyond the interpretive issue mentioned above, which we feel is conclusive, there are many other reasons for taking Babylon in the book of Revelation...