Search Results for it is finished

Found 175 Results for it is finished
What Is the Sermon on the Mount?

Emma Danzey

In a day with no sound systems or microphones, Jesus was able to communicate to many people from a mountain. He shared and revealed that He was the Messiah, and empowered them to follow Him wholeheart...

What Is Good Friday, and What Makes it so Good?

Hope Bolinger

For those not familiar with Good Friday, this day remembers when more than 2000 years ago Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world. The events kicked off at the beginning of Holy Week when Jesus ro...

Why Do We Say Jesus Is Our Passover Lamb?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Multiple times, the Bible talks about Jesus being the lamb of God, the perfect Passover lamb. What does this mean and how does it affect our understanding of his sacrifice?  ...

Beyond Sunday: How Paul Preached

The subject matter of his ministry was not any of the liberal arts and sciences, or the philosophy and dry morality of the Gentiles, but salvation by a crucified Christ. ...

Let's Go Back to the Beginning to Find the Gospel in Genesis

Mike Leake

There isn’t much in Genesis that points us to the eternity that awaits us. But again, there are little glimpses, like Jacob’s ladder. There is hope even in Joseph’s death and burial in Egypt that the ...

Was the Fall a Necessary Part of God’s Plan for Humanity?

Ed Jarrett

We messed up and God is working to fix the problem. But is that really the case? Was the fall an unfortunate failure on the part of humanity that God is working to overcome? Or was the fall a necessar...

What Is Hyssop and Why Is It so Significant in the Bible?

Heather Adams

Passages about hyssop in the Old Testament are connected to the blood of animal sacrifices. It represents God’s compassion on His people, how He is willing to reach down to save and heal us. Psalm 51 ...

Do Christians Need Both Testaments of the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. You can’t have one without the other to come to as full an understanding of Scripture (and Him) a...

27 Easter Quotes and Blessings to Celebrate the Incredible Miracle of Jesus

Kathy Collard Miller

Without Easter, there’s no Christianity. No wonder there are so many powerful Easter quotes about this essential celebration....

Since God Saved Us, Do We Owe Him the Rest of Our Lives?

Kristi Walker

Is it true? Did He pay the full price for my sin, and yet I still “owe” Him my life? If it is truly finished, if God is satisfied, if I am justified, why must I live a life as a “living sacrifice?”...

Where Do We See Jesus in the Old Testament Book of 1 Samuel?

Mike Leake

David is pointing to another. It will not be through King David that our high calling to rule will be restored. No, this will come through the finished work of King Jesus. 1 Samuel points to what ough...

Have Faith That God Is at Work Behind the Scenes

Frank Santora

If we step back and look critically at Joseph's entire life, the time he spent in the pit seems a rather small inconvenience compared to fantastic experience of living in the palace of Egypt. The pit ...

How to Teach Difficult Bible Stories to Your Kids

Shelby Turner

“Mom, why would God do that? Why would he tell a dad to hurt his little boy?” We had just finished reading a chapter titled “The Gift” in the Jesus Storybook Bible and my five-year old’s eyes had grow...

The Great Transformation of the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 

Adrian Rogers

God doesn’t just want to save you; He wants to transform you! ...

The Quest for (Self) Justification

Tim Brister

Even our expressions of thanksgiving can be a form of self-justification, and this is what we discover from this man in our text. Such self-justified thanksgiving is unacceptable to God....

A Guide to What the Bible Really Says about Divorce

Liz Auld

As I began to look more deeply into Malachi 2:16, I found the context interesting. You see, the context is of the unfaithful spouse, the one who hurts his/her spouse deeply. It’s about being cruel to ...

What Does the Feast of Unleavened Bread Tell Us about Jesus?

Stephanie Pavlantos

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is one of the most important events in the Jewish calendar, and vital to understanding what really happened when Jesus was in Jerusalem over Passover season....

The Mystery of the Unauthorized Fire

There is an incident in the biblical record that causes abiding consternation for many of God’s people. It is the story of how two of the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, were slain suddenly by God. ...

Theology at Midnight

You discover your theology at midnight. Until then, it's all theoretical. When midnight comes, you discover the difference between theory and reality....

How and Why Do I Pray 'in Jesus’ Name?'

Aaron Berry

Prayer is a beautiful and undeserved privilege. What an honor to come to God, bringing our petitions to him. But let us beware of asking “wrongly, to spend it on your passions.”...