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Found 561 Results for led
3 Things Christians Can Learn from King Asa’s Mistakes

Hope Bolinger

Many of us may not recognize the name ‘Asa’ as a significant Biblical character. However, King Asa (from the kingdom of Judah) had a great ruling streak until the very latter years of his life.For tho...

What Does the Bible Say about Emotions?

Blair Parke

Emotions: they are what can trigger us to get mad at an instant, cry at the drop of a hat, fester unforgiveness in one’s heart, and drive us to succeed at all costs in life. It’s not f...

What Alexander Hamilton Can Teach Christians about Living in Faith

Whitney Hopler

We celebrate Hamilton for his remarkable audacious, courage. Hamilton made a lifelong habit of asking God one key question: “How can I be bolder?”...

8 Signs You're Growing Spiritually

Philip Nation

An assignment without a means of measuring success normally ends in frustration or abandonment. In the church, our work is to make disciples. But can you really measure discipleship? A strong case ca...

The Beautiful Truth and Meaning in the Angel’s Message ‘He Is Not Here, for He Has Risen’

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

He is not here, for he has risen, as he said... – Matthew 28:6 (ESV)Every year in the spring we get together on Easter Sunday (or Resurrection Sunday) to celebrate and remember the resurrection of our...

3 Key Signs of a Healthy Church

Pamela Palmer

The idea of a healthy church sounds appealing and is what God desires for His Church. One day, Jesus will return for His bride (the Church). We want to be ready and we want to be a body that reflects ...

The Powerful Contrast Between Eve’s Disobedience and Mary’s Obedience

Barbara Latta

Chaos, strife, and mayhem permeate the world. And all because of a piece of fruit.Well, it does go a little deeper than that, but the tree’s enticement was the catalyst that began the downfall of mank...

Does the Bible Encourage Romantic Love?

Blair Parke

Romantic love: the fuel for sappy movies, Valentine’s Day, and the quest many of us undertake to find that special someone chosen for them by God. The idea of falling in love has led many to pen beaut...

What Is Apostasy and How Can We Combat It?

Kyle Blevins

We don't hear the term “apostasy” much anymore. The term describes something the Bible takes very seriously, which may be happening where we least expect it....

10 Verses to Help Heal Your Struggling Marriage

Blair Parke

As the popular seventies duo Captain and Tennille famously proclaimed, in one of their hit songs, “Love will keep us together.” And this is true, as love can keep people together in a marriage in the ...

10 Prayers for Your Bible Reading

Kristen Wetherell

Reading the Bible before praying is like putting the cart before the horse. The proverbial horse is the Holy Spirit of God, who empowers and enlightens our Bible reading as we mine the depths of his ...

Yeshua: Deliverer, Savior - Why This Name of God Is So Important for Today

Blair Parke

He is our Lord and Savior, the One who achieved His purposes of representing God to us in life, then dying on the cross for our sins and redemption. His life has led to several experiencing spiritual ...

Scriptures to Read for Each Day of Holy Week

Heather Adams

Holy Week is a time for remembrance of the final events in Jesus’ earthly life. It’s a time for reflection, when we consider all that Jesus went through on our behalf.I used to put all my focus on Eas...

4 Reasons Liturgy Is Essential to Worship

Rev. Kyle Norman

As a cradle Anglican, liturgy informs how I worship. Sunday morning worship is routine and orderly. Everyone knows what to say, and when to say it. After the priestly pronouncement, “The Lord be with ...

5 Ways to Do Lent Differently This Year

Pamela Palmer

Many Christians around the world are looking ahead as Easter approaches. Believers of Christ anticipate Holy Week and seek ways to prepare their hearts for this special season. Many Christians partici...

Did Moses Have Two Wives or Just One?

Hope Bolinger

Many of us have a slight familiarity with Zipporah, Moses' wife from Midian. But did he also marry a Cushite named Tharbis? ...

6 Ways the Bible Tells Us What Church Should Look Like

Stephen Altrogge

To claim that the Bible doesn’t tell us what church should look like allows a person to substitute his own preferences for the clear teaching of scripture. So what does the Bible have to say about chu...

Beware the Opposite Traits of the Fruit of the Spirit

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus gave further explanation of the difference between a good fruit bearer and one who produces bad fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles. A healthy tree bears good...

What Does It Mean That “What You Meant for Evil, God Meant for Good”?

Jason Soroski

In these moments of deep pain, Joseph never ceased to give God the glory for his ability to interpret dreams. As we endure all kinds of pain in this world, let us remember that God continues to work i...

Why Should Christians Remember the Geneva Bible?

Valerie Fentress

What is the Geneva Bible, and why is it important in the history of Bible translations? ...