Search Results for mark 2

Found 32 Results for mark 2
Only One: Making a Difference for Jesus Christ

One godly man or woman can make a dramatic difference, even in the darkest of circumstances....

Five Things You Need to Know About Preaching Through the Books of Scripture

Many pastors are intimidated by the thought of preaching all the way through an entire book of the Bible. Some fear that congregational excitement will be hard to sustain and that pastor and congregat...

The Power of the Big Idea

What did you learn in church today? How is it possible that so many people, young and old, can respond with nothing but silence to such a simple question after spending an entire Sunday morning in chu...

Too Good to be True

Sometimes the resurrection seems to good to be true, but this Easter sermon challenges us to be the living proof. The world needs an appearance of Jesus and a word from Him. Will it come from you and...

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:12-13 Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in w...

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Transmitting the Word: An Interview with John Piper on Consistency and Community

John Barry

Pointers from John Piper on approaching the Bible...

Did He Really Say What I Said? The Challenge of Preaching Through an Interpreter

More and more churches are responding to the call of short-term missions. Traditional missionaries invested their lives in one mission field, learning the language, absorbing the culture, and eventual...

Pastoring a Pentecostal Church

A Pentecostal minister cannot respond to our postmodern world with strategies that deal only with surface issues. Instead, he or she must create new methods of sharing the message without disturbing t...