Search Results for matt 18-20

Found 81 Results for matt 18-20

Divorce [N] [T] [E] [S]Perversion of the marriage institution. Marriage was ordained by God as an intimate and complementing union between a man and a...

Priest, Christ as

Priest, Christ as The Old Testament. The priestly activity of drawing near to God in sacrifice and prayer is introduced in the Old Testament through A...

The Great Commission Given.

8-9. THE GREAT COMMISSION GIVEN. (Time and place same as last section.) a?MATT. 28:18-20; b?MARK 16:15-18; c?LUKE 24:46, 47. ? ? ? a?18 And...

The Redemptive Processes--The Church

V. THE REDEMPTIVE PROCESSES ? THE CHURCH ? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and ...

Tithe, Tithing

Tithe, Tithing Giving a portion of one's profit or the spoils of war was known in the ancient world from Greece to China. Gifts were made as religious...

Church, the

Church, the [T] Definition of the Church. The New Testament word for church is ekklesia [ejkklhsiva], which means the called out ones. In classical Gr...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...

Acts 1

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. CHAPTER I. SUMMARY.--The Preface. The Promise of the Father. The Command to Witness in Jerusalem, and in All Judea, and U...

Teach, Teacher

Teach, Teacher Although several Hebrew words are translated teach in English translations of the Old Testament, two words predominate: yara [h'ry], to...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...


Faith [N] [T] [E]Belief, trust, and loyalty to a person or thing. Christians find their security and hope in God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and say ...


Sanctification [N] [T] [E]The generic meaning of sanctification is the state of proper functioning. To sanctify someone or something is to set that pe...

Matthew 23

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XXIII. The Last Appeal to Israel. SUMMARY.--The Scribes and Pharisees in Moses' Seat. The Burdens They Imposed. Their Eagerness ...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...


Work [N]For contemporary humanity the meaning and character of work have been divorced from religion, being largely shaped by secular ideologies assoc...

1 Peter 2

PETER. CHAPTER II. The Temple of Living Stones. SUMMARY.--Desiring the Sincere Milk. The Living Stone. The Spiritual Temple. The Stone the Buil...


Disease [N]To understand the biblical records concerning illness it is necessary to think oneself back into a world that knew nothing of germs, bacter...

Matthew 5

MATTHEW. CHAPTER V. The Sermon on the Mount. SUMMARY.--The Beatitudes. The Salt of the Earth. The Light of the World. The Relation of Christ to th...

1 Timothy 6

TIMOTHY. CHAPTER VI. Various Duties Enjoined. SUMMARY.--Duties of Servants. Life the Test of Doctrine. The Blessedness of Contentment. The Danger...


Evil [N]As a prerequisite for any discussion of evil, moral evil must be distinguished from physical or natural evil. This essay uses the term moral e...