Search Results for matt 5-6

Found 221 Results for matt 5-6
Death of Christ

Death of Christ The Place in the Gospels. In the records of Jesus that the Gospels give us, it is clear that a place of supreme significance is given ...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th...

Kill, Killing

Kill, Killing The Old Testament. The Old Testament uses many terms to refer to the act ofkilling, some of which can be used interchangeably (see 2 Sa...


Predestination [N] [E]The Concept. Divine predestination means that God has a purpose that is determined long before it is brought to pass. It implies...


Mission Basic Definition. Mission is the divine activity of sending intermediaries, whether supernatural or human, to speak or do God's will so that h...


Zidon, or Sidon, ( Genesis 10:15 Genesis 10:19 ; Joshua 11:8 ; 19:28 ; Judges 1:31 ; 18:28 ; Isaiah 23:2 Isaiah 23:4 Isaiah 23:12 ; Jeremiah...


Life [N] [E]God (Yahweh) as the Source and Sustainer of Life. According to Genesis 2:7, the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and br...


Ethics The ancient world did not consider religion to be morally inspiring, creative, or corrective; the reputed behavior of gods and goddesses repell...


Joy [N] [T]Happiness over an unanticipated or present good. In the Old Testament joy (Heb. sama[;j;m'f])covers a wide range of human experiences?from ...


Judgment [N] The Hebrew term mispat [f'P.vim] is an important Old Testament concept and one closely linkedwith God. It may denote the process whereby ...


Anthropomorphism (Gk. anthropos [a[nqrwpo] [human] + morphe [morfhv] [form]). Assignment of human attributes to nonhuman things. Biblical anthropomorp...

Curse, Accursed

Curse, Accursed In the Old Testament being cursed includes loss of everything significant and a lowering to the most menial of positions. The serpent ...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...


Elijah [N] [E] [H] [S]Old Testament. Elijah of Tishbe was a lone figure from the remote part of Gilead east of the Jordan. One of the better known ch...

Matthew 28

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Resurrection. SUMMARY.--The Women at the Sepulcher. The Message of the Angel. The Risen Lord. The Report of the Gu...

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit [N] Third person of the Trinity.Old Testament. Some have argued that Old Testament believers were saved and sanctified by the Spirit just ...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Lamb, Lamb of God

Lamb, Lamb of God Definitions. In the pastoral setting of the Bible, there were numerous words for a lamb or a sheep. The Hebrew words were kebes [f,b...

Priest, Christ as

Priest, Christ as The Old Testament. The priestly activity of drawing near to God in sacrifice and prayer is introduced in the Old Testament through A...


Murder [N] [T] [E] [S]The Old Testament. Although the Israelites did not have a term that precisely fits our present-day idea of murder, they differen...