Search Results for who do you say i am

Found 4390 Results for who do you say i am

Consecration. But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of Thee, and of ...

The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius

The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius(1) Ignatius, who is [also called] Theophorus, to the Church whic...

The Second Birth

THE SECOND BIRTH. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.?John 3:3. I will direct your attent...

John Wilson

John Wilson was born in the parish of Kildwick in Yorkshire, and ordained deacon according to the order of the church of England; when he obtained a ...

The Vine

1st Day The Vine '*/ am the True Vine.''-. John Xv. t. All earthly things are the shadows of heavenly realities,?the expression, in created, visib...

Matthew 12:33

Matthew 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good That is, either assert them both good, or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corru...

2 Samuel 13:28

2 Samuel 13:28 Now Absalom had commanded his servants Before he and his guests were set down to the entertainment: saying, mark ye now when Amnon's h...

Commandment Fourth

Commandment Fourth Commandment Fourth On Putting One's Wife Away for Adultery Chapter I.I charge you, said he, to guard your chastity, and let no thou...

Tractate LXXI.

Tractate LXXI.Tractate LXXI. John XIV. 10-14.1. Give close attention, and try to understand, beloved; for while it is we who speak it is He Himself wh...


TRUST. I Am Trusting Jesus?A Young Lady's Trust. The other Sunday, when I was speaking on Trust, a person came to me next day and said, I want to t...

Sermon LXXXV. [CXXXV. Ben.]

Sermon LXXXV. [CXXXV. Ben.]Sermon LXXXV. [CXXXV. Ben.] On the words of the gospel, John ix. 4 and John ix. 31, we must work the works of him that sent...

Chapter II

CHAPTER II. Doubting and Inquiring?Proving?A Saviour of Life unto Life, or Death unto Death?Understattding the Scriptures?Cavilling?Using the Penknif... Laodicea

The Letter to LaodiceaAttributeDescriptionMeaningrule of the peopleTitlesAnd to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ?These things says t...

Letter VIII

LETTER VIII. November 10, 1781. JVIy Dear Child, WHEN your mamma and I come to see you, it must be pn a Monday, for more reasons than one} which i...


Sermon LXXXVII. [CXXXVII. Ben]Sermon LXXXVII. [CXXXVII. Ben] The tenth chapter of the gospel of John. Of the shepherd, and the hireling, and the thief...

You Can Do Nothing

13th Day You can do Nothing Apart from Me ye can do nothing.? Ver. 5. In everything the life of the Branch is to be the exact counterpart of that ...

Letter XX(1)

Letter XX(1) Letter XX(1) To Leontius the Sophist.(2) I Too do not write often to you, but not more seldom than you do to me, though many have travel...

Letter CCLXII.(1)

Letter CCLXII.(1) Letter CCLXII.(1) To the Monk Urbicius.(2) 1. You have done well to write to me. You. have shewn how great is the fruit of charity....

Psalm XXXIX.

Psalm XXXIX. Psalm XXXIX. 1. The title of this Psalm, which we have just chanted and proposed to discuss, is, On the end, for Idithun, a Psalm for Da...

Commandment Twelfth

Commandment TwelfthCommandment TwelfthOn the Two Fold Desire. The Commandments of God Can Be Kept, and Believers Ought Not to Fear the Devil. Chapter ...