Search Results for ezra 3

Found 47 Results for ezra 3
15 Things All Christians Should Know about Judaism

Bethany Verrett

Just because many people of Jewish descent have rejected Jesus, that does not mean God has turned His back on them. One of the beautiful prophecies in Revelation is that many Jews will turn to their t...

What Is the Difference Between the Pharisees and the Sadducees?

Bethany Verrett

Jesus’ message conflicted with both approaches. The Pharisees and Sadducees were important figures rising to prominence in Israel after the return from exile through the first century, but Jesus’ impo...

What Is Biblical Prophecy about Israel?

Greg Grandchamp

Where does the nation of Israel fit into God’s plan for the End Times? What does God have in store for Israel and the gift of eternal life at the end of the world?...

What Is the Prayer of Jabez?

Meg Bucher

Jabez isn’t like us. He doesn’t live amid our modern materialism. And his prayer can’t be directly applied to us without seeing how it relates to his own situation first and then to Jesus Christ....

Does the Verse "If My People Who Are Called by My Name" Apply to the World Today?

Bethany Verrett

In uncertain times like the coronavirus pandemic, it's expected that God's people will turn to His Word for comfort. But some verses, like 2 Chronicles 7:14, can be confusing without looking at the cu...

Who Wrote the Bible?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The Bible is the Word of God written for His people, spanning 66 books in the Old and New Testament combined. It is the best selling book of all time with over 50 billion copies sold and distributed. ...

Is Easter Pagan? The Holiday's Origins and History 

Jay Ryan

There has been an increasing trend among evangelicals to shun Easter as allegedly being derived from a pagan source. Explore the history here!...