Search Results for fight the good fight

Found 193 Results for fight the good fight
Dealing with Hidden Sin

Sin is a reality with which we all must live. No one can escape the struggles we have with rebelling against God’s call on our lives. The battle can be overwhelming, but it does not have to result in ...

Prayers for Our Church Leaders

Alicia Searl

 The enemy may be trying to take a stronghold, but he is powerless when we fight back with our most powerful weapon—prayer!...

You Can Choose to Turn Your Life Around

Frank Santora

God will give us wisdom and direction to make the right choice, but He doesn’t do the choosing. We are responsible for our choices and therefore our life experience. ...

Refreshment for When You Feel Like Giving Up

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Reached the end of your rope? Good news! You are not alone. Everyone throughout history has felt this way at some point, and the prophet Elijah was no exception. But when he had had enough and was rea...

What Does It Really Mean to “Turn the Other Cheek”?

Dawn Wilson

In the simplest of terms, Jesus taught that when someone attacks our right to respect or dignity, we are not to defend our rights with revenge. We are not to retaliate. The believer’s defense of digni...

7 Powerful Ways to Protect Your Marriage From Divorce

Alicia Searl

Twenty years ago, on a windy day in the fall, beneath live oak trees, tucked away in a tiny gazebo laced with whimsical flowers and a scent of honeysuckle, two lovebirds lovingly looked into each othe...

4 Reminders from Psalm 27 to Build a Courageous Faith

Ashley Hooker

We are living in difficult times, physically, spiritually, and for many, emotionally. But the Psalms are never shy about tackling big emotions. Much like us, King David also faced challenges and pain....

How Do We Put on the Armor of God's Helmet of Salvation Today?

Sharon Simms

The helmet of salvation may be the most important piece in the armor of God. Here's why it matters so much and how we put it on today....

Is It Actually Possible to Refrain from Anger?

Emma Danzey

Parents opt to leave home. Governments withhold help to their citizens. Co-workers lie to you. Is it actually possible to refrain from anger and turn from wrath?...

4 Reasons Skin Color Doesn't Matter to God (and it Shouldn't Matter to You)

Kristen Terrette

I hope to do my part in stopping stereotypes and prejudicial judgment in future generations because God doesn't care about skin colors and here are four reasons why we know that's true......

What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...

Why Worrying is a Failure to Grasp the Gospel

The root cause of worry is not misplaced priorities. It's misplaced faith. It's a failure to grasp the gospel of a God worthy of our trust....

How Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

Are the afflictions of the righteous smaller than everyone else's, or do we suffer as much as non-believers? If so, what's the point? Here's what the Bible tells us to remember about our trials in thi...

Bring the Greatness of God to Others This Christmas

Frank Santora

Mary’s story was a trial of faith. Yet she made it through and so can we. Because like Mary, we are all, in our own God-ordained way, called to bring something extraordinary into the world. ...

What Does It Look Like to Be a Man of God?

Bethany Verrett

A man of God is not one stereotype of a man. It is not a scholar who has memorized all the Scriptures. It is not a man who can lift very heavy objects and fight back any enemy at the gate. Instead, it...

Why Is Jesus Our Good Shepherd?

Ruth Clemence

Without Jesus, we are “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). Without God’s initiation, we are lost, dead in sin, and alienated from Him completely. Isaiah 53:6 says, “W...

How Christians Become Better Together

Frank Santora

If we are going to reach our potential as individuals and as the Body of Christ, and fulfill the assignment that God has for us, we must embrace the power of team. ...

What Is Shalom's Meaning in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Peace is a running theme throughout the whole of scripture, usually using the Hebrew word shalom. Scripture, however, doesn’t throw the word around as a nice gesture. It has a deep meaning which could...

Who Said "Comparison Is the Thief of Joy" & How Is it Represented in the Bible?

Blair Parke

Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, our 26th president of the United States, said it best about comparison when he exuberantly stated: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” How can comparison be a thief of joy? W...

Being Like Jesus: 8 Weeks in the Beginning of Colossians

The beginning of Colossians tells us how we can be like Christ. We learn the theology necessary to fight evil and the practicality of loving Jesus....