Search Results for ho 14

Found 700 Results for ho 14
Isaiah 56:4

Isaiah 56:4 For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, &c.] That fear and serve the Lord; religiously observe all times of divine...

Ah; Aha

AH; AHA a, a-ha': Interjections of frequent occurrence in the Old Testament, representing different Hebrew words and different states of feeling. (1...


\\INTRODUCTION TO HOSEA\\ This book, in the Hebrew Bibles, at least in some copies, is called Sopher Hosea, the Book of Hoses; and, in the Vulgate L...

Revelation 1:8

I am A trademark of the book of John which records the self-identification of Jesus using this phrase. Jesus said unless you believe ?I am? (John John...

Alexander Balas

ALEXANDER BALAS Alexander ba'-las (Alexandros ho Balas legomenos): He contended against Demetrius I of Syria for the throne and succeeded in obtainin...

John 6:1

John 6:1 After these things After Christ's curing the man at Bethesda's pool, and the vindication of himself for doing it or the sabbath day, and for ...

Revelation 16:7

I heard another from the altar saying Probably the angel which officiated at the altar and offered the prayers of the saints (Rev. Rev. 8:3-4+ cf. Re...


Compassion [N]That (human) disposition that fuels Acts of kindness and mercy. Compassion, a form of love, is aroused within us when we are confronted ...

Follow, Follower

Follow, Follower The noun follower is seldom used in Scripture for the people of God, possibly due to its frequent references to idol worshipers ( Deu...


TEREBINTH ter'-e-binth: (1) 'elah (Isaiah 6:13, the King James Version teil tree; Ho 4:13, the King James Version elms); in Genesis 35:4 (the King Ja...

Ruth 4

Chapter 44:1 Then went Boaz up to the a gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by; unto whom he said, b Ho, su...

Revelation 12:9

cast out This is the first stage in the de facto fulfillment of what was previously accomplished de jure at Christ?s First Coming (Luke Luke 10:18; Jo...

Revelation 22:11

He who is unjust, let him be unjust He who is unjust is ? ?????? [ho adik?n] : the one acting unjustly, damaging, or doing wrong. One who violates Go...

Psalms 146:10

Psalms 146:10 The Lord shall reign for ever The Messiah, who is King of kings and Lord of lords; and in this he is superior to, them, they reign but f...


WAY wa ('orach, orcha', 'erets, bo', derekh, halikhah, ma`galah, nathibh; hodos, parodos, poreia, tropos; highway, mecillah, meclul; diexodoi ton hodo...

Revelation 14:18

Revelation 14:18 And another angel came out from the altar Where are the souls of the martyrs of Jesus, ( Revelation 6:9 ) and whom this angel is thou...

Deuteronomio 14

DEUTERONOMIO 14DIVISI?N POR P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNKJVNRSVTEVNJBLuto impropio14:1-2Carne limpia e impura14:3-814:9-1014:11-2014:21Princ...

Revelation 3:7

In Philadelphia (en Piladelpiai). Some twenty-eight miles south-east of Sardis, in Lydia, subject to earthquakes, rebuilt by Tiberius after the great...


WORD wurd: The commonest term in the Old Testament for word is dabhar (also matter thing); in the New Testament logos (reason, discourse, speech); bu...


MURDER 1. Terms: mur'-der (haragh, to smite, destroy, kill, slay (Psalms 10:8; Hosea 9:13 AV]), ratsach, to dash to pieces, kill, especially with pre...