Search Results for is 42-44

Found 126 Results for is 42-44
Isaiah 10:1

Overview - Isaiah 10 1?The woe of tyrants. 5?Assyria, the rod of hypocrites, for his pride shall be broken. 20?A remnant of Israel shall be saved. 24...

Acts 26:17

Overview - Acts 26 1?Paul, in the presence of Agrippa, declares his life from his childhood; 12?and how miraculously he was converted, and called to h...

Malachi 3:2

Overview - Malachi 3 1?Of the messenger, majesty, and grace of Christ. 7?Of the rebellion, 8?sacrilege, 13?and infidelity of the people. 16?The prom...

Zechariah 3:9

Overview - Zechariah 3 1?Under the type of Joshua, the high priest, receiving clean garments, 6?and a covenant of promise, 8?Christ the Branch and C...

Mark 8:8

Overview - Mark 8 1?Christ feeds the people miraculously; 10?refuses to give a sign to the Pharisees; 14?admonishes his disciples to beware of the lea...

Luke 12:36

Overview - Luke 12 1?Christ preaches to his apostles to avoid hypocrisy, and fearfulness in publishing his doctrine; 13?warns the people to beware of ...

Hebrews 5:7

Overview - Hebrews 5 1?The honour of our Saviour's priesthood. 11?Negligence in the knowledge thereof is reproved. Treasury of Scripture KnowledgeHebr...

1 Thessalonians 2:16

Overview - 1?Thessalonians 2 1?In what manner the gospel was brought and preached to the Thessalonians, and in what sort also they received it. 18?A r...

Hebrews 9

Chapter 99:2? For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary...

1 Thessalonians 5:2

1 Thessalonians 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly With great exactness and accuracy, with great clearness and perspicuity, as a certain truth, which w...

Acts 13:36

Overview - Acts 13 1?Paul and Barnabas are chosen to go to the Gentiles. 6?Of Sergius Paulus, and Elymas the sorcerer. 13?Paul preaches at Antioch th...

1 Corinthians 15:38

1 Corinthians 15:38 But God giveth it a body, as it hath pleased him It is not the husbandman, nor the sun, nor the rain, that give the grain of wheat...


Elisha [N] [E] [H](God his salvation ), son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah; the attendant and disciple of Elijan, and subsequently his successor as proph...

Fatherhood of God

Fatherhood of God Throughout the Bible we find God portrayed as a Father. This portrayal, however, is surprisingly rare in the Old Testament. There Go...

Resurrection of the dead

Resurrection of the deadwill be simultaneous both of the just and the unjust ( Daniel 12:2 ; John 5:28 John 5:29 ; Romans 2:6-16 ; 2 th 1:6-10 )....

Isaiah 5:13

Isaiah 5:13 Therefore my people are gone into captivity Or rather, as Kimchi explains it, shall go into captivity; the past for the future; for this c...


Flesh [N] [E] [S]The range of meanings borne by this term in the Bible starts from the literal use denoting the material of which the human body is ch...

Revelation 1:3

Blessed is he Luther?s comments underscore the need for a consistently literal interpretation of this book: ?Even if it were a blessed thing to believ...

Romans 8

ROMANS. CHAPTER VIII. The Privileges of the Children of God. SUMMARY.--No Condemnation to Those in Christ. Walking After the Spirit. To be Carnall...


\\INTRODUCTION TO 1 CORINTHIANS 15\\ The apostle, in this chapter, recommends the Gospel, and gives a summary of it, proves the resurrection of Chri...