Search Results for job 7

Found 287 Results for job 7
Running Wild with Hope

Russ Ramsey

As his parents watched Jesus mature, they couldn’t help but see his Nazareth years as a time of preparation for a calling they knew would inevitably lead him away from them....

7 Weeks to Cultivate a Summer of Wonder with God

Dawn Wilson

The challenge is for seven weeks, but no matter how much time you spend meditating on these things, you will likely find yourself full of wonder, gratitude, and praise by summer’s end....

8 Tips for Reading Wisdom Literature

Barnabas Piper

Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and Job comprise the wisdom literature genre. The aim of wisdom literature is to help us grow in biblical wisdom (obviously). What is that? In short, it is living life with god...

Comforting Ways to Support Families Experiencing Miscarriage

Lisa Loraine Baker

Christians, share these comforting and strengthening passages with families suffering through miscarriage. We can also comfort unbelievers with the same passages, assuring our beloved ones of the hope...

Why Is Satan Known as the Morning Star?

Michael Jakes

Satan himself has a very “colorful” history, and many are surprised to find out that Satan, as we know him, was not always Satan. Once upon a time, in the dateless past, Satan was known as Lucifer. Wh...

Knowing God’s Will

We were looking for God’s will as if it were buried treasure. But that didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t God want us to know His will? Why would He hide it from us? It was as if we were assuming God is a Co...

What Does Selah Mean in the Bible?

Tammy Kennington

Selah is one of the Old Testament's more mysterious words, central to worship. Discover what this word means in the Bible....

What Does the Bible Say about Aliens and Extraterrestrial Beings?

Emma Danzey

As believers, it is important to have a viewpoint on what we believe about extraterrestrial beings. Today we will be exploring, what does the Bible say about aliens. ...

Jeremiah: Answering the Call

Everyone who believes in Christ has a special calling to a particular sphere of obedience and ministry. Jeremiah was not just set apart for salvation, he was set apart for vocation. God had work for h...

Why Is Seventy Times Seven Still so Radical Today?

Connor Salter

Here is a look at what seventy times seven mean, and how it fits into the Bible’s teachings about sin, repentance, forgiveness, and rebuke....

How God Satisfies Us in a World That Screams for More

Ruth Clemence

It’s very easy to point the finger at someone who has visibly done something wrong, but what about wrong thinking? Is our thought life important? One of the commandments is “You shall no...

What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...

What Was the Firmament That God Created on the Second Day?

Betty Dunn

On the second day of the Creation described here in Genesis 1, God commanded that there be a firmament separating the seas and oceans of Earth from the waters above the firmament. ...

How Can I Love My Bible if I Don't Enjoy Reading It?

Sarah Frazer

Life often feels too busy to read the Bible. What’s the secret to getting started? Embrace that you don’t have to love reading to love the Bible! Here are some easy suggestions....

Is It Okay to Feel Overwhelmed as a Christian?

Blair Parke

Even though we know that Jesus will triumph in the end, it is okay to feel overwhelmed at what is transpiring around us. We can be in shock when we see senseless acts of violence or natural disasters ...

How Is God “Not a Respecter of People”?

Blair Parke

Although some may feel that God owes them more respect than others (think the Sanhedrin and those who based their faith on their works), God sees everyone equally and doesn’t hold the lives of anyone ...

Who Were the Women Who Followed Jesus?

Hope Bolinger

It may seem odd to spend an article discussing the women who followed Jesus during his ministry. However, readers must keep in mind ancient texts seldom spent a great deal of time mentioning females...

What Does the Bible Say about Work?

Michael Lee Stallard

Each week the average adult spends nearly 40% of his or her waking hours working. Given that work occupies so much of our time, it would be rational to expect that God cares about what we produce duri...

Honor Your Need for Both Work and Rest This Labor Day

Nick Batzig

As we come to celebrate another Labor Day, let's step back for a moment and consider what Scripture has to say about the rhythm of work and rest....

How Can I Pray for My Non-Believing Friends and Family?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus has revealed our sins and has forgiven every one of them. How very humbling. Pray for your non-believing family and friends to see how He has changed you! Good Lord willing, God will draw them t...