Search Results for liberty

Found 54 Results for liberty
5 Powerful Reasons You Need to Study the Bible

Michael Jakes

Because the church was unequipped, those with harmful intentions were able to find a place among the people of God and introduce doctrines of demons. Every child of God needs to guard against the thre...

10 Verses from James to Deepen Your Faith

Micah Maddox

Things like death, or circumstances that bring grief in strong waves, or pain that feels unbearable, causes us to either lean into faith or push away from it. The book of James in the New Testament gi...

What Bible Debates Inspired Martin Luther's 95 Theses?

Britt Mooney

In 1517, small-town monk Martin Luther marched up to the castle church in Wittenberg and nailed his 95 theses to the door. What led him to write these theses, and how did change how we understand Chri...

Where Does Kanye West Reference the Bible in "Jesus Is King"?

Bethany Pyle

Rapper Kanye West dropped his latest album, "Jesus is King" in October, and fans and critics alike are buzzing about it. The singer's 180 from traditional rap music to worship music has caused most of...

Connecting the Bible with Real Life

On difficult or "modern" issues, we often treat the Bible as irrelevant. But there are answers in God's Word to even the toughest problems....

What If You're Not Sure About Abortion?

R.C. Sproul

Even among those who have reached a conclusion about abortion, there remains an openness to be persuaded of a different view....

Freedom from Sin

How do those of us who are under grace live without being characterized by sin? How are we to live lives of victory? Paul shows us in Romans....

How God Communicates Truth

We look for sources of authority to guide and direct our lives, and we have all kinds of options. And you know what? These options will not always agree. So where do you go for authority in your Chris...

When Was the Bible Written? And Other Questions about the Word of God

Dr. Michael A. Milton

There is literally nothing like it in the world. It has shaped every facet of the human experience: literature, the arts, law, education, science, politics, and human relations. It is ancient and ever...

What Is the Will of God & How Should Christians Interpret It?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

You cannot separate the will of God in the believer’s life from the cross of Christ in His Son our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our lives follow the ruling motif of the cross of Christ. And in this we are sa...

The 10 Commandments: What Are They & Are They Still Relevant?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Perhaps you have heard someone say that we live in the age of grace and the age of the law is now over. Is that right? How does one reconcile this with the continuing commandments in the New Testa...

Is Easter Pagan? The Holiday's Origins and History 

Jay Ryan

There has been an increasing trend among evangelicals to shun Easter as allegedly being derived from a pagan source. Explore the history here!...

Being a Titus 2 Woman

John Barnett

The whole goal of a Titus 2 woman is to train younger women in Biblical, simple-to-measure, Spirit-empowered, love-based living. Here are the 6 characteristics....