Search Results for the dead no nothing

Found 213 Results for the dead no nothing
Uplifting Bible Verses about Being Made New

Emma Danzey

The truth is that we have a variety of selections as to who we are going to be in life. However, Jesus is the spiritual expert and He can transform our hearts if we say yes to Him. As believers in Chr...

What Is the Meaning of Easter and Why Do We Celebrate it?

For many of us, we may think about Easter bunnies and colorful eggs that cover our front yards. But what is the meaning of Easter from the Bible, and why do Christians celebrate this holiday?...

The Jesus of Christmas Past, Present, and Future

Debbie W. Wilson

The thought of God entering the world as an infant is staggering. But that was only the beginning. Jesus’s mission always included the cross (1 Peter 1:18-20). The baby in the manger was the lamb of G...

Why Is Jesus Our Good Shepherd?

Ruth Clemence

Without Jesus, we are “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). Without God’s initiation, we are lost, dead in sin, and alienated from Him completely. Isaiah 53:6 says, “W...

What Is Saving Faith? Do James and Paul Disagree?

David Paul

We are told in no uncertain terms in the Bible that if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, and that whosever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. Faith is c...

What Is Purgatory, and Is It in the Bible?

Mike Leake

I do not believe that a simple reading of Scripture would lead one to believe that there is an extended time of purifying that a believer must endure upon their death. On the whole the Scriptures seem...

14 Quick Vacation Meditations that Pack a Punch

Need a spiritual boost on your vacation? These 14 daily meditations will keep you focused on God....

Why It Gives Us Confidence That "While We Were Still Sinners, Christ Died for Us"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The demonstration of his love leads to this one great act, Christ dying for you and me. The greatest treasure of heaven was sacrificed to win back the worst sinners on earth. That’s why if you ever ru...

What Is the Rapture and Is it Biblical?

Ed Jarrett

You've probably seen the movies or heard rumors of the rapture. Faithful believers are whisked away to heaven, while the rest of mankind is left behind in confusion. But what is the rapture, really? I...

Why Is Joseph of Arimathea included in the Easter Story?

Lisa Baker

A good and righteous man (Luke 23:50). To be described as righteous in Scripture is high commendation, putting Joseph of Arimathea in the company of Abraham....

What Was the Crucifixion of Jesus? Facts about His Death on the Cross

Meg Bucher

The Crucifixion of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. All of Scripture leads up to this pinnacle moment in the history of humanity. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, gave His life in order t...

How Can We Grow Spiritual Fruit?

Jeannie Myers

The Bible uses a lot of fruit metaphors. Paul encourages believers to "bear fruit," Jesus calls himself the vine and us the branches, even the Old Testament includes a list of Fruit of the Spirit. But...

Can Someone’s Name Be Erased from the Book of Life?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As Jesus’ saints, we persevere and we are assured God will complete in us what He began (Philippians 1:16). At the moment of true conversion, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. He is our guarantee....

3 Words to Describe Our Christian Life

Michael Jakes

As we live for the Lord, and things become difficult, due to the enemy of our soul constantly making his bid for our faith, we can rely on at least three things, as our faith remains rooted in Christ....

Christ Alone

Of all the things that Paul could have said about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the one thing that he emphasized was His death on the cross....

Why Is God Called "King of Kings"?

Heather Adams

When we see God as the King of Kings, we are agreeing that He has absolute dominion. The title ought to stir up a sense of respect, worship, and even wonder within us. ...

Why Does the Bible Warn against Witchcraft?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

There is no such thing as a harmless form of witchcraft. This includes tarot cards, horoscopes, Ouija boards, or anything else that aligns with witchcraft, regardless of how unassuming it may seem. Th...

Seeing Beyond the Suffering This Year

Struggle in the Christian life is inevitable, lifelong and ultimately beneficial. We encounter God’s grace through our trials in ways that would not happen if the trials had not come in the first plac...

What Does the Bible Say about the Last Days?

Michael Jakes

While it is true that we are presently living in the last days, the beginning of the last days goes much further back. Christians living through the first and second world wars no doubt thought t...