Search Results for "clean heart"§ion=0

Found 2669 Results for "clean heart"§ion=0
Man's Anger

I have heard that if a rattlesnake is cornered, it can become so frenzied that it will accidentally bite itself with its deadly fangs. In the same way, when a person harbors hatred and resentm...


Francis of Assisi said, "Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received, fading symbols of honor, trappings of power, but only what you have given; a full hea...

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...


In the heart of Quebec City is a church called Our Lady of the Victories. It was built to commemorate two victories won by the French over the British in 1690 and 1711......

Illustration: Christian Life, Discipleship

Ruth Bell Graham wrote of an encounter she had with a young Indian student named Pashi. She spoke with Pashi about Christ, to which he replied, "I would like to believe in Christ, and many in India wo...

Christian Life - Discipleship

Ruth Bell Graham writes of an encounter she had with a young Indian student named Pashi. She spoke with Pashi about Christ, to which he replied, "I would like to believe in Christ, and many in India w...

Personal Dedication

"The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field or endeavor…I firmly believe that any man's finest hour - his greatest fulfil...


Two elderly ladies meet at the launderette after not seeing one another for some time. After inquiring about each other's health, one asked how the other's husband was doing... "Oh! Ted died last week...


The great heart of the Australian continent is a desert, hot and dry. It seldom rains at all. But when it does rain lakes form and small fish suddenly appear. It seems miraculous. Pelicans come in gre...


Vaclav Havel, the Czech poet/President, experienced years of oppression and persecution under Communist rule. He later observed: "I am not an optimist, because I am not sure that everything ends well....

The Great Equalizer in Preaching

You’re pouring your heart out. You preach like a man possessed (in a good way). You wax eloquent. And then it happens; you make eye contact with the one person in the crowd that can truly humble you –...

How Does God Vindicate Us When We're Wronged?

Eric C. Redmond

How does God want you to respond when you are wronged, when you are in need of vindication?...

An Alphabet of Grace

A 26-word parade of hope: beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same. Brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment, yet solid enough to weather two thousand years ...

Illustration: Christ

At the heart of the old city of Quebec is a church called Our Lady of the Victories. It was first named The Church of the Christ Child. Then the French won a significant military victory, and the name...


Joe Piscatella is the author of several widely-read books on health including Don't Eat Your Heart Out and Controlling Your Fat Tooth. He often gives lectures around the country encouraging people to ...

Glory Of God And Knowing God

Jim Elliot, the martyred missionary, wrote in his personal journal: "I walked out on the hill just now. It is exalting, delicious, to stand embraced by the shadows of a friendly tree with the wind tug...


Happy people live longer. That is the conclusion of Marilyn Elias writing in USA Today. ...


Missionary Susie Hobert believes that one of her main responsibilities as a mother is to instill in her children a burden for their lost fiends. And she has done a good job. Ten-year-old Ryan was driv...


Calling the Dead Visitors to the Fiji Islands tell of a strange custom of "calling the dead." The one who has suffered bereavement climbs to a high tree of a cliff, and after mentioning the name of th...

Promised Of God

Claim It Dr. F.B. Meyer learned the secret of appropriation when he was addressing a large group of children who became very unruly. On the verge of losing his temper, he prayed in his heart, "Thy pat...