Search Results for backsliding

Found 244 Results for backsliding
Jeremiah 3:12

Jeremiah 3:12 Go and proclaim these words towards the north With his face thitherwards, towards Babylon, which lay north of Judea, and was the metropo...


Backsliders General scriptures concerning Leviticus 26:14-42 ; Deuteronomy 4:9 ; 8:11-14 ; 28:15-68 ; 29:18-28 ; 32:15-30 ; Joshua 24:20-27 ; ...

Hosea 11

Chapter 1111:1 When Israel a [was] a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. (a) While the Israelites were in Egypt, and did not prov...


\\INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH 31\\ This chapter is connected with the former, respects the same times, and is full of prophecies and promises of spiritu...

Jeremiah 8

Chapter?8 The remains of the dead exposed. (1-3) The stupidity of the people, compared with the instinct of the brute creation. (4-13) The alarm of t...


MEDICINE med'-i-sin, med'-i-s'-n (gehah, teruphah, rephu'ah): These words are used in the sense of a remedy or remedies for disease. In Proverbs 17:2...

James 5:20

James 5:20 Let him know And observe it for his encouragement: that he which converteth a sinner from the error of his way; who is the instrument of r...

Psalm 103:10

?EXPOSITION Verse 10. He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. Else had Israel perished outright, and we...


Protection God is able to afford 1?Peter 1:5 ; Jude 1:24 God is faithful to afford 1 Thessalonians 5:23 1 Thessalonians 5:24 ; 2?Thessaloni...

Psalms 137:2

Psalms 137:2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.] These were musical instruments, used in the temple service by the Levites, wh...

Psalms 51:8

Psalms 51:8 Make me to hear joy and gladness Which he had not heard for some time; sin had sadly broke in upon and interrupted his spiritual peace and...


HEAL hel (rapha'; therapeuo, iaomai, diasozo): The English word is connected with the Anglo-Saxon hoelan, and is used in several senses: (1) Lit., i...

Psalm 85:4

?EXPOSITIONVerse 4. Turn us, O God of our salvation. This was the main business. Could the erring tribes be rendered penitent all would be well. It is...

Amos 8

Chapter?8 The near approach of the ruin of Israel. (1-3) Oppression reproved. (4-10) A famine of the word of God. (11-14) Verses 1-3 Amos saw a...

Jeremiah 25

Chapter?25 The Jews rebuked for not obeying calls to repentance. (1-7) Their captivity during seventy years is expressly foretold. (8-14) Desolations...


Apostasy [N] (Heb. mesubaa [h'bWv.m]; Gk. parapipto [parapivptw], aphistemi [ajfivsthmi], apostasia [ajpostasiva]). Defection from the faith, an act o...


Denial To know what is true, yet confess a falsehood; the forsaking of self in wholehearted consecration to Christ and in service to his kingdom. The ...

The Entrance to the Life of Full Obedience

Gbe Entrance to tbc Xife of jfull ?bebtence. The School of Obedience. Ube Entrance to tbe life of full ?be&lence. 'Obedient unto death.'?Phil. ii. ...

How to Help Inquirers

HOW TO HELP INQUIRERS. I've chosen as my subject this morning: How to hold an InquiryMeeting; or, what are the best adapted Texts of Scripture to be ...

Joel 2:13

Joel 2:13 And rend your heart, and not your garments Which latter used to be done in times of distress, either private or public, and as a token of gr...