Search Results for be very careful

Found 141 Results for be very careful
How Are We to Be Transformed, not Conformed to the World?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Paul exhorts his readers in Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of...

Let's Stop Ignoring Joseph at Christmas

Russell Moore

His only role, it seems, is an usher—to get Mary to the stable in Bethlehem. But there’s much more to Joseph ...

Are You Serving a Curated Jesus?

Michael Jakes

Unfortunately, there are many who have fallen under the pall of false teaching, and have done this very thing. In so doing, they have created a “curated Savior.” This means that they have taken wrong ...

What Is Theology & Why Is it Important?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

Theology is studying God. Christian theology is knowing God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Theology is “the queen of the sciences.” This was not only the opinion of the great Middle Ages scholar, Thom...

Ehud: The Most Interesting Judge You’ve Never Heard Of

Hope Bolinger

Let's be honest, most of us don't know much about the Old Testament judges, let alone a man named Ehud. But this minor tale of a left-handed judge is up there with some of the wildest stories in the O...

How Did George MacDonald Change Christian Literature?

G. Connor Salter

Who invented modern Christian fantasy? Many would say the answer is George MacDonald....

Can Christians Be Asexual?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In the simplest terms to be asexual means you have little or no sexual attraction or desire. By that definition alone, being asexual is not sinful and thus it is possible for a Christian to be asexual...

Characters vs. Reputation: Does Your Inside Match Your Outside?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Who are you, really? Do you worry as much about who you are when you are alone as you do in front of an audience? Are you working just as hard when the boss is gone as when he is present? Are you sing...

Does the Phrase Fly in the Ointment Come from the Bible?

Linda Lyle

Does fly in the ointment come from the Bible or from Shakespeare?...

Jesus Teaches Us How to Interact with People in the LGBT Community

Allie Boman

If we want to know how to treat people like neighbors — even people very different from us — we can watch how our older brother Jesus did it. He didn’t really treat everyone “the same.” He met them wh...

How to Still Make Quiet Time Happen during the Holidays

Heather Adams

Meditating on the ultimate gift God has given us - His Son, sent to be our Savior - grows a sense of joy within us. And that joy will keep us focused on the most meaningful things about this time of y...

Exploring the 10 Commandments: The Second Command

Emma Danzey

As we approach the second commandment, may we remember that even if we are not physically fashioning an idol to worship, that our hearts can quickly turn towards other gods to fill spaces where we neg...

What Does Colossians 2:6-7 Teach Us about Our Faith Walk?

Mike Leake

Paul’s point here is that union with Christ comes through an act of repentance and faith. We are brought into union with the Lord Jesus. Through this, everything else flows. We didn’t come to Jesus by...

Hebrews 4:15 Reminds Us That, Yes, Jesus Gets Us

Jessica Brodie

Hebrews 4:15 encourages us because we know Jesus overcame those temptations, and his example not only made him the perfect, unblemished sacrifice to pay our sin-debt, but it also provides a role model...

9 Encouraging Reasons You Should Pray the Scriptures

Pamela Palmer

Prayer and Bible reading are not separate activities. The Bible is full of real, powerful prayers from faith warriors, and we can borrow their words in our own prayers. Let's take a look at what this ...

Let's Dig a Little Deeper with Exegesis

Bethany Verrett

Christianity can be intimidating. Especially once you get into circles that throw around words like "amillenialsim" "dispensation" or "exegesis." While these words may sound scary, often the real mean...

What Does the Bible Say about Magic, and Is It Really That Serious?

Michael Jakes

Magic and things supernatural are real, and they can have a lasting effect on the unsaved and unsuspecting of any age. The world would have us believe that there can be no residual effe...

Why Does Jesus Care so Much about His Lost Sheep?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

During his ministry, Jesus often talks in parables, or stories. Some, like the Good Samaritan, are incredibly popular even in our modern culture. But there are quite a few smaller parables that are of...

What Every Christian Should Know about the Dead Sea Scrolls

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

One of the most significant things the Dead Sea Scrolls provide is a reliable record and confidence in the modern scriptures we have. I believe that for Christians, knowing about the Dead Sea Scrolls ...

Romans: The Greatest Letter Ever Written

From studying Paul’s letter to the Romans, we can learn the content of the Christian faith like nowhere else in the New Testament. In his letter, Paul opens vistas to the gospel, shining a light on wh...