Search Results for gift of the holy spirit

Found 306 Results for gift of the holy spirit
4 Signs It Is Time to Leave a Church

Michael Jakes

The church is the body of Christ, a gift from the Father for us to grow in community, and grow closer to Him. But churches are filled with sinful human beings, ourselves included! When problems arise,...

Is a Believer's Baptism Biblical?

Stephen Baker

The practice of credobaptism finds its roots in the very beginning of the Church Age in the first century. The second chapter of Acts records the baptism of about 3000 people after they heard Peter pr...

7 Daily Steps to Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

John UpChurch

Perhaps you’ve been told that as a Christian you must learn to “trust in the Lord with all your heart.” But what does that mean each day? Follow these 7 daily steps to make sure you’re leaning on the ...

What Does the Bible Say about Giving?

Jason Soroski

There is no question that generous giving is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, and that there is great joy in giving. ...

What Does it Mean that "God So Loved the World" in John 3:16?

Jennifer Slattery

Jesus came so that, though we were guilty and tarnished by sin, we could receive forgiveness and pardon for all we’d done or will do. Because of Jesus, we can have peace with God the Father, be ...

Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations?

Emma Danzey

May we remember the gift and the privilege to even have one full version of the Scriptures in our English language. We are in the top 10% around the world. Not only this, but we have multiple translat...

5 Examples That Prove No, God Is Not Racist

Kristi Walker

In Deuteronomy, God says that the Israelites are His "treasured possession." So, does this mean that God is racist? Or to a lesser extend, is He showing preference for one group over another? Not at a...

Does 'You Are Not Your Own' Negate Free Will?

Emma Danzey

When you first hear the term, “You are not your own” found in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, it can appear confusing. Does this phrase negate free will? ...

What Is the Sword of the Spirit and How Should I Use It?

Hope Bolinger

The Spirit supplies us with the 'sword of truth' through his Word. Like a trainer, he teaches us how to use this double-edged piece of our spiritual armor properly. ...

Who Is the Bride of Christ in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

You are betrothed to Christ and he has given you a friend to assist you, but how are you preparing for that day? My prayer for you is that you would not get distracted by other things...and would rema...

What Can the American Church Learn from Pastor Francis Chan’s House Church Model?

Emma Danzey

The churches are small and include 10-12 people gathering within homes. Every leader is a volunteer and the tithes are given to the poor and missions. Each leader or pastor of the home is an elder of ...

How Can We Lovingly Practice Discernment?

Mike Leake

True biblical discernment isn’t about spotting out every error and every deviation from truth. True biblical discernment is instead about highlighting the work of Jesus. In a world with many decisions...

What Does it Mean to Be Anointed?

Kyle Blevins

To be anointed is to be set apart, empowered, or protected. Many can be anointed, but there is a single Anointed One who made it possible for all. You may have heard a comment like this at your loca...

Who Exactly Was the Queen of Sheba?

Bethany Verrett

Mentioned in one historical record during the reign of King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba was a real ruler whose life has been subject to intense scrutiny among Biblical scholars and secular historians....

How Is "All of Scripture God-Breathed"?

Meg Bucher

Scripture is the Holy Word of God. Every word of it, though written by human hands, is true and reliable. We can know this because the Bible has God's fingerprints on every page - it is an incredible ...

The Glorious, Life Altering Difference Between Grace and Mercy

Mark Altrogge

What exactly is the difference between grace and mercy? And why does it even matter? Can’t we just use them interchangeably? Nope. If we do, we miss out on some glorious truths....

Why Exactly Is Reading the Bible So Necessary for Christians?

Emma Danzey

Even if you do not like to read or are slow at reading comprehension, God can equip you with a heart for His Word. He delights to give us that desire....

3 Key Takeaways from Stephen the Martyr’s Final Sermon

Bethany Verrett

This sermon is good for seeing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through the lens of the Old Testament, understanding God’s plan through the Hebrew people and the nation of Israel, and the co...

30 Best Thanksgiving Prayers and Blessings of Gratitude

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

We can be thankful for God’s love and His mercy.  We should be thankful for His sovereignty and His power. May these Thanksgiving prayers inspire your heart to be grateful for the amazing love an...

What Is Systematic Theology and Why Do We Need It?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Systematic theology is comprised of the compilation and comprehension of all the pertinent passages in the Bible and then the encapsulation of them in a clear, teachable form so we have a firm foundat...