Search Results for john 3:2

Found 87 Results for john 3:2
What Is the Sin of Fornication?

Rick Kirby

There are some issues that the Bible is a bit quiet on, while there are other topics that God speaks to directly, leaving no room for interpretation or debate. The sin of fornication, or sexual immora...

What Is the Purpose of Atonement?

Ed Jarrett

The Scripture is clear concerning the essential nature of the atonement, and that the atonement was crucial in bringing humanity into the relationship with God that he wanted. But it did more than sim...

What Does Joel 3:10 Really Mean in the Right Context?

Bethany Verrett

“Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong!’” (Joel 3:10) In context, God is speaking to those who defy Him, both the enemies of Israel in Joe...

If Christians Are Saved, Do They Still Have a Sinful Nature?

Tim Pietz

Evidence of our sinful nature is all around us. People steal, so we have locks and passwords. People lie, so we have courts and judges. People kill each other, so we have police and militaries....

What Does Scripture Say about Our Tongues and Speech?

Heather Adams

Scripture is very clear on this point: the words we use and the way we say them impacts the world around us. God gives us the choice of whether our impact will be positive or negative. When we follow ...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

Why Is Seventy Times Seven Still so Radical Today?

Connor Salter

Here is a look at what seventy times seven mean, and how it fits into the Bible’s teachings about sin, repentance, forgiveness, and rebuke....

What Does Colossians 2:6-7 Teach Us about Our Faith Walk?

Mike Leake

Paul’s point here is that union with Christ comes through an act of repentance and faith. We are brought into union with the Lord Jesus. Through this, everything else flows. We didn’t come to Jesus by...

Why Is Satan Known as the Morning Star?

Michael Jakes

Satan himself has a very “colorful” history, and many are surprised to find out that Satan, as we know him, was not always Satan. Once upon a time, in the dateless past, Satan was known as Lucifer. Wh...

Christmas IQ Quiz

Dr. Ray Pritchard

How well do you know the Christmas story?...

What Does "Omnipresent" Mean?

Dawn Wilson

As a young girl, visiting a little street-corner church in Chicago, I heard a preacher quote Matthew 18:20: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” It w...

Why is the Resurrection so Important?

The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of redemption—both for mankind and for the earth. Indeed, without Christ’s resurrection and what it means—an eternal future for fully resto...

How Can Christians Achieve the Mind of Christ?

Cathy Baker

What helps us to have the mind of Christ, and what do we gain when we search for it?...

What Happens After Death? Understanding Where Your Soul Goes

Dr. Michael A. Milton

 “What happens to my soul when I die?” The question is not an esoteric inquiry into the unknowable. God has revealed to us in his word what happens to the human soul at the moment...

Sunday School Lesson: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther

Esther is the best “textbook" of the Scriptures about the providence of God, and how He works in the perfect way and the perfect timing to accomplish His purposes....

What Does the Bible Say about Marriage?

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

We can see that marriage is an intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. ...

The Women in Christ's Life: Anna, The Prophetess

As a widow and a single woman, Anna knew her purpose and she didn't let anyone's opinions or comments keep her from it. Her choice would not only affect her life in an abundant way, but also the lives...

How Does the Bible Guide Us When We Face Temptation?

Dawn Wilson

Christians sometimes have naïve assumptions about temptation. Some think it will be obvious, but temptations are subtle and nuanced. Satan delights in taking us by surprise. ...